Chapter 4

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Tobin spent half the night lying next to Alex, mostly remembering everything they went through as teenagers but also wondering why Servando wasn't at the game and why he wasn't making Alex happy. Eventually, she goes back to her room.

The next morning Tobin is woken up by Christen shaking her lightly "Tobes. Wake up we have to pack and go to breakfast" the brunette murmurs gently.

"How'd you get in here?" Tobin mumbles sleepily.

"Kelley let me in. I uh also have to talk to you about some stuff once you are awake and showered." Christen says nervously.

As soon as Tobin is showered and ready she sits on the bed.

"What's up?" The hazel eyed girl asks her friend.

"Uhm J.J. and I had a talk last night and uhm she kissed me and I uh kissed her back...I know there is no excuse that could make up for that but I just thought I should tell you." Christen looks down at her hands.

Tobin sighs "I don't think I'm ready to start anything serious. Especially if you don't know what you want"

"But I do know what I want. I want you Tobin." The forward grabs her best friends hand.

"Really?" The hazel eyes girl asks.

"Really" Christen smiles leaning in to connect their lips.


"I told Christen I liked her last night at the club" J.J. tells Kelley as the two walk to breakfast.

"And?" The freckled girl asks.

"We kissed" J.J. smiles fondly at the memory. "God she's so perfect, now you just have to tell Tobin."

"I'm not even a hundred percent sure that I like Tobin. I think it could be that I haven't been really intimate with anyone since Hope broke up with me the summer after highschool and I'm craving like that physical contact, and Tobin is a close friend to me" Kelley shrugs. "I don't know"

"I think you like her but you are scared to realize it because you fear rejection" the blonde tells her friend as they walk into the dining room.

"Yeah maybe you're right" Kelley smiles as she goes to get food then takes a seat next to Tobin, who is sitting next to Christenl


All too soon the team has split up and gotten onto different planes to go home.

Alex and Tobin are sitting next to each other.

"You know I meant what I said last night" Alex says quietly.

The hazel eyed girl glances over before looking at the seat in front of her.

The midfielder sighs "Alex, you are married so I probably shouldn't say this but you are my person too, but I think it's time we let the past go and move on as friends"

The crystal eyed girl bites her lip and nods "Yeah, sure, totally" she puts her headphones in.


Before the victory tour starts up the girls play a couple games with their NWSL teams.

"Kelley O'Hara you didn't think you could get by without at least saying 'hi' that easily could you" the freckled girl hears Hope yell from about 20 feet away.

Kelley is in Seattle for an NWSL game and wasn't really looking forward to seeing her ex.

When she turns around the freckled girl immediately notices that the taller girl is definitely drunk.

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