Chapter 11

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After the victory tour is finished Tobin and Alex are packing for a little vacation to Paris.

"I'm so excited for this vacation babe." Alex says as she finishes packing and lays on the bed next to Tobin, who has been done for a while.

"Me too baby girl." The light haired girl smiles wrapping her arm around her fiance while she continues to play FIFA 16.

"I could so kick your ass at this game." The forward smirks.

"Okay you're on. Loser has to give the other a massage?" Tobin asks.

"Deal." Alex smirks as she grabs the other controller and they set up a new game.


"You suck, Tobin." Alex grumbles as she begins giving her fiance a massage after losing three times in a row.

"I'm sorry Lex." The midfielder says as she shrugs. "Maybe you should get better skills."

"Oh shut up." Alex chuckles.


Alex wakes up the next morning to an empty bed.

Frowning, the crystal eyed girl swings her long tan legs over the edge and slips on a pair of Tobin's sweat pants and walks out into the living room to see Tobin with a couple bottles of vodka on the table, some empty. There is also a small pile of beer cans next to the chair the midfielder is in.

Knowing Tobin hardly ever drinks except for when something is seriously wrong Alex approaches the girl slowly.

"Tobes....are you okay?" The forward asks carefully.

"My parents called. They want nothing to do with me anymore. They said I'm losing touch with the old me. They said I was no daughter of there's anymore. All I fucking am to them is some dyke that chases a ball around for a living." Tobin mutters coldly as she finishes off another can of beer.

"Oh my gosh....I'm so sorry Toby. I-I honestly don't know what to say." Alex says gently as she places her hand on Tobin's forearm.

"You don't have to say anything." The midfielder mumbles as she stands up pulling her arm away from Alex. "Can you just leave me alone for now? I'll be ready by the time we are supposed to leave."

"Don't push me away, Tobin." The forward says reaching for Tobin again.

"Don't fucking touch me Alex!" The girls caramel eyes darkening as she shoves her fiance back hard.

"What the fuck Tobin? Why are you acting like this towards me? I'm not the one you should be pissed at!" Alex argues.

"You know what? I'm not dealing with this." Tobin says going into the shared bedroom and grabbing her already packed bag.

"Are you seriously leaving?" Alex asks.

"Yeah. We are done Alex. I can't with you anymore, you are so goddamn pushy all the time and I'm fucking done." Tobin answers walking out of the apartment.

"Fine! Do what you do best Tobin! Run away!" Alex yells after her, slamming the door shut.

The crystal eyes fill with tears as she slides her back down the door and leans her head back to rest against the hard surface.


"Hey Kells." Alex answers the phone. Its been two weeks since Tobin walked out and no one has seen her. She sends a text to Kelley every other day to let someone know she's still alive, other than that. Nothing.

"How you holding up?" The freckled girl asks her long time friend.

"Well I keep thinking that it might get easier going every day without her but every morning when I wake up a little part of me hopes she is there and that it was all just a dream but then the reality hits and its like losing her all over again." The crystal eyed girl says her voice raspier than normal from the extensive crying she has done.

"I'm so sorry, Lex." Kelley tells her friend.

Before Alex can answer there is a knock on the door.

"Hey someone is at the door, I'll call you back." The forward states.

"Okay, love you. Keep your head up." Kelley says before hanging up.

Alex gets off the couch walking to the door, feeling bad for whoever is on the other side considering her hair is up in a messy bun and she's in a pair of Tobin's sweats with a hoodie.

When she opens the door the sight in front of her almost brings her to tears.

Tobin is standing there with a duffel bag slung over her shoulder and she's holding a bouquet of roses.

"Alex, before you say anything let me say this. I was way out of line doing and saying what I did and I am so so sorry. I know no amount of words can make up for what I did but these last fourteen days have absolutely killed me. I am so in love with you, Alex. I'm never ever going to leave you again. That is, if you will forgive me and take me back." Tobin states.

Alex says nothing, instead pulling the love of her life into a very tight hug, which Tobin reciprocates just as tightly.

"I love you, Tobin." The crystal eyes girl mumbles.

"I love you too, Alex." Tobin murmurs back.

A/N: bam. Next is the ending. Who's ready? As always stay positive and dance for money and updates. (: -Kaycee

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