Chapter 6

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After a very good game and the team gets back to the hotel they are called into a team meeting.

"Alright ladies I gathered you here to say amazing job on the field today and I honestly could not pick a better team, I'm so proud of you ladies. You have my permission to go out tonight but you know the rules. No fights, no vulgarity, and no PDA for the couples on the team" Coach concludes.

"Go have fun ladies." She smiles walking out of the conference room.


After everyone gets back (some girls with some guys they found)

Alex,Tobin,Kelley,Moe, Kling, and some guys they met at the club are all sitting in Tobin and Alex's room.

"Guys lets play spin the bottle" Kling smirks at the group.

"The last time I played that was in college" Tobin chuckles.

"Come on guys it'll be fun" The defender begs.

The group mumbles a couple 'Fine's' and soon they are sitting in a circle with an empty beer bottle in the middle (which Tobin chugged).

A guy named Mark spins first, the group watches it spin around before landing on Kelley.

The freckled girl blushes before kissing the guy next to her quickly.

When she spins the bottle it lands on Tobin earning a few whistles from the guys.

Alex chuckles as the buzzed friends lean across the middle and connect their lips slowly.

Kelley moves her lips against Tobin's before they both pull away from each other.

Kling, who is sitting next to Kelley, smirks before spinning the bottle.

"Who will be my victim" she chuckles faking an evil accent.

The group laughs before the bottle lands on Kling's best friend, Moe.

Kelley,Alex, and Tobin all bust out laughing.

"Come on brotp get to kissing" Kelley laughs.


Eventually people begin dispersing and either leaving or going to their rooms.

Once the two are alone, Alex and Tobin cuddle up to each other in bed.

Right as Tobin closes her eyes she hears a crash out in the hallway. Frowning the midfielder gets out of bed pulling a muscle shirt on considering she's only in sweats and a sports bra.

"I'll be right back, Lex" the hazel eyed girl smiles gently before walking out.

Once she is out in the hall she sees a drunk Hope in the hallway with Kelley.

"Fuck you, Kelley get the fuck away from me." The tall soccer player slurs.

"What the hell is going on?" Abby asks as she leans her head out of her room.

"Nothing I got it." Tobin tells the blonde.

The caramel eyed girl walks over to Hope and Kelley.

"Hope is drunk off her ass and pissy that I'm trying to help her and she keeps saying I don't actually care about her and shit" a frustrated Kelley sighs.

"Shut the fuck up Kelley I'm perfectly fucking fine" Hope growls as she shoves the shorter girl back, making her hit the wall across the hallway.

"Oh yeah? You're going to start pushing me around now? What? Are you going to hit me too?" The freckled girl snaps.

"Watch it O'Hara" the dark haired girl steps forward.

"Hope, enough" Tobin says stepping between the two.

"Get out of my way, Heath this doesn't involve you" the taller girl narrows her eyes.

"I'm not moving Hope you need to take a breath and go to bed before you hurt someone including yourself." Tobin tries to rationalize.

"I said move, Tobin." Hope states loudly going to shove past her.

"Dammit Hope I said enough!" Tobin says almost yelling grabbing the girl by her shoulders and pinning her to the wall.

"Get the fuck off of me Tobin" Hope growls pushing away from the wall.

Tobin pushes her back so she's stuck against the wall again.

"Hope listen to me closely okay? You are my friend and my teammate, I am doing this because I care about you. Go. To. Bed. Go with Kelley and you two do your thing but I swear to the good Lord above Hope Solo if I see you treat Kelley that way again I will beat the living shit out of you. Now go." Tobin says sternly as she lets go of Hope who storms off to her room.

"Thank you, Tobes." The freckled girl smiles.

"Anytime, Kells." The midfielder returns. "Go get some rest, I'll see you in the morning." And with that the two go to their respective rooms, going to sleep.

A/N: short update ik but when I was halfway through with this chapter is deleted so yeah.... Sorry guys ily.

As always lemme know what you think and remember to stay positive and dance for money and updates (: -Kaycee

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