Alternate Ending

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"Tobin Powell Morgan-Heath where do you think you are going." Alex mumbles sleepily.

The recently married couple is currently on their honeymoon in the Cayman islands.

"I was going to make you breakfast babe." Tobin answers her wife smiling at the beauty wrapped in the soft, white sheets.

"Mmmm not yet come cuddle with me some more." The crystal eyed girl says reaching for her wife.

The caramel eyed girl smiles gently as she crawls back into the bed with the love of her life.

"I love you so much Alex." Tobin murmurs as she kisses her wife's bare shoulder.

The two connect their lips in a passionate kiss.

Tobin roles the two so she is on top. Smirking, the slightly shorter of the two pins her wife's hands above her head as she kisses down her neck.


Its around noon and the two are still lying in bed tangled in each other and the sheets. Tobin is lazily running her fingers up and down Alex's bare spine as she stares up at the ceiling.

"What's on your mind?" The ocean eyed girl asks softly as she drags her fingers across her wife's hipbone.

"You." The hazel eyed girl states simply.

"Cheesy." Alex chuckles kissing the light haired girl's collar bone softly, "but cute."

"You're cute." Tobin smiles, kissing the top of her wife's head gently.

Tobin's stomach growls from hunger making the taller of the two laugh.

"Hungry?" Alex asks.

The midfielder nods, "Very much so." She chuckles.

"Well then come on, I'll make us something to eat." The crystal eyed girl smiles.

She stands up pulling on a pair of panties then throwing on one of her wife's t-shirts.

Tobin stands, pulling on sweats and a sports bra as the two make their way to the kitchen of the rented beach house.

"What do you want to eat?" Alex asks.

Tobin smirks.

"Okay, you perve, what food do you want to eat." The dark haired girl asks, rolling her eyes.

Tobin shrugs, "Whatever you want to make, babe."

The taller of the two nods as she grabs some stuff out of the fridge and starts cooking.


The two are sitting at the table eating lunch. Alex looks up from her plate to meet her wife's soft, hazel eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She asks, slightly smiling.

"Because you are beautiful." Tobin smiles at her wife.

"Thank you." Alex blushes deeply as she looks back down at her plate.


The two are back from their honeymoon. They are in Kelley's house with Hope,Ashlyn, Ali, and Carli.

The group of lifelong friends are looking through old yearbooks and teasing each other about old pictures.

"Oh my gosh, do you guys remember when Kells peed herself because Carli and I scared her so bad?" Hope laughs at the memory.

The group laughs, including Kelley.

"Guys, let's go on a road trip." Carli blurts out.

The friends all turn to look at their brunette friend confused.

"You know? Like one last time for old times sake?" The girl smiles.

"Yeah, lets do it." Ali smiles.

"We're in." Hope and Kelley say in unison.

They all turn their heads to Tobin and Alex.

"What do you say?" Tobin smiles at her wife.

"Let's do it." Alex smiles back.

"Oh my gosh! I know what we are taking!" Kelley yells jumping up quickly calling someone.


About thirty minutes later the little squirrel comes back driving an old school bus that is repainted.

The group laughs at their friends antics as the pile into the bus.

"Kell, where in the hell did you get this?" Ashlyn asks chuckling lightly.

"Well, I know a guy and-" the freckled girl starts only to be interrupted by her friends.

"Never mind we don't want to know." They all laugh in unison.

The group of longtime friends cruises down the open highway, reminiscing on old times and enjoying their time together.

"I love you, guys." Hope says breaking the silence.

"Oh my gosh, the Hope Solo, the big bad keeper, is getting sentimental on us." Ali teases.

"Oh hush, Kriegs." The tall brunette laughs. "But seriously, you guys have been my best friends for as long as I can remember, no one has ever stuck by me like you guys and for that I owe you everything because I know I'm not easy to put up with sometimes, but god damn you guys are my family, and I couldn't ask for a better one." She concludes.

"I agree with, Hope." Tobin starts, "through everything you girls have always been there for me, from when Hope and Ash almost killed Lauren when she cheated on me to when I had my ankle injury and you guys stopped by everyday to make sure I was doing alright. Like Hope said, you guys are my family and I wouldn't trade that for anything." The hazel eyed girl finishes, smiling.

"You know." Kelley starts as she drives, "I can't recall a single memory that doesn't have at least one of you in it, I'm not going to go as in depth as Tobes and Hope but you know I love you guys more than anything." The freckled girl smiles.

"I second that." Ashlyn smiles.

"I love you guys." Ali smiles widely at her friends.

"Even though I'm serious most of the time, I do love you guys to death." Carli says.

And with that, the group of friends knows that they will always stick by each other.


After a while, everyone is asleep but Alex, Tobin, and Kelley.

"You know, through everything I loved you. Even when I was with Servando, I was still in love with you, Tobin." Alex states.

"Well you know what the say, love will prevail." Tobin smiles connecting their lips in a soft but passionate kiss.

A/N:Annnnnddddd there you have it, alternate ending....I got a little teary eyed writing this tbh. Anyway, let me know if you guys want a third book.....

I honestly have no clue how to go about a third book from this so if you have any suggestions please let me know, and as always remember to stay positive and dance for money and updates (: -Kaycee

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