Chapter 7

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Alex, for once, wakes up before Tobin the next morning. Smiling, she combs through Tobin's hair gently with her long fingers.

"Babeeeeee." Tobin's sleepy voice breaks the silence making Alex giggle.

"Yes?" The ocean eyed girl's raspy voice asks.

"When is the team leaving today?" The caramel eyed girl mumbles as she sits up slightly.

"Uhm I think noon." Alex answers.

"Ugh I still have to pack." The midfielder whines.

"No you don't I packed up our stuff last night." The forward smiles.

"God how are you so perfect, Alex Morgan?" Tobin asks looking up at the girl she loves more than anything.

"I could ask you the same question, Tobin Heath." Alex smiles.

"As much as I would like to lay in bed with you all day, we have to get ready to go." The light haired girl says as she sits completely up, swinging her legs off the bed.


After their second victory tour game against Costa Rica the team splits up to go back home to continue the NWSL season.

When Tobin and Alex arrive at their shared apartment Tobin drops her bags (very dramatically) and falls face first onto Alex's bed.

The taller girl giggles at the other soccer player's actions.

After Alex sets her bags down she walks over to where the caramel eyed girl or lying face down on the bed.

Straddling the small of the midfielder's back, the crystal eyed girl begins slowly massaging up her back.

Biting her lip, Tobin opens her eyes back up. "Lex what are you-" she is cut off by Alex shushing her.

"Just relax, okay Toby?" The forward smiles leaning down to press a kiss against the exposed skin of the midfielder's tan neck before going back to massaging the tense muscles of her back.

Tobin does as told, melting into the ocean eyed girl's touch.

Alex slides Tobin's shirt up the tanned skin slowly before (with Tobin's help) removing it completely.

The forward stands. "Roll over onto your back." She tells the girl lying on the bed.

The other soccer player does as told.

"Is it okay if we try something different tonight?" Alex asks.

"Yes of course, Lex. We can do whatever you want" Tobin answers.

The taller of the two smirks, "Stay here then, close your eyes, I'll be right back."

With that Alex turns and leaves while Tobin does as Alex says.

A few minutes later the ocean eyed girl returns. Tobin hears something being set on the nightstand before something presses against her eyes lightly.

"Alex what are you doing?" The midfielder asks.

"Do you trust me?" The forward asks back.

"With my life." Tobin answers confidently.

"Then just sit back, and relax." Alex smirks tying the blindfold behind the light haired girl's head.

A couple seconds after the blindfold is around her eyes Tobin feels something smooth wrap around her wrists, which she soon realizes are a form of cuffs.

Growing turned on and a little curious Tobin smirks slightly to herself.

The leather cuffs that are wrapped around Tobin's wrist are connected by a bar which forces her hands to be apart. In the middle of the bar, a strap is connected. Alex hooks the strap to the headboard of her bed so Tobin is practically incapable of moving her hands.

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