Chapter 9

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It's time for the girls to play Haiti (in place of Australia) for the victory tour. The team agrees to meet a day earlier so they can all go out.

After everyone is settled into their hotel rooms the girls get ready and decide who is staying sober to basically take care of the others.

When they arrive at the club the girls all eagerly find their way inside.

After a few drinks Alex drags Tobin onto the dancefloor, with her back pressed against her girlfriend, Alex begins rocking her hips with the thumping bass that is making everyone's chest vibrate.

After the two dance for a couple songs they go up to the bar to order more drinks.

Tobin sits next to Hope, "Hey big bad goal keeper." The hazel eyed girl jokes, "Where's your girl?" She asks.

"She and JJ went to the bathroom. I hope they come out sometime soon because Kell is pretty wasted so I want to keep my eye on her." The dark haired girl states.

"Awwww look who's being protective." Tobin smiles. "But do you want me to go check and make sure they are alright? How long have the been gone?"

"Shut up and yeah please, I would myself but I'm kind of baby sitting Pinoe over here." Hope says motioning to the blonde sitting next to her.

"Alright I'll be back." The midfielder says walking towards the bathrooms. On the way there she sees JJ talking to Christen.

Frowning, she walks over "Hey Julie where is Kelley?"

"Oh she said that she wanted to get some air so she can think about some stuff." The blonde tells her.

"Oh okay, thanks." Tobin says walking out the back door and looking around for Kelley only to see her on the ground unconscious.

"Shit." Tobin says worriedly as she kneels down next to her best friend.

The midfielder leans her head down next to the freckled girl's mouth. When she doesn't feel a breath she feels for a pulse. When she doesn't feel any form of a thump against her fingers she laces her fingers together, beginning compressions on her best friend's chest.

"Come on Kelley, come on." Tobin mutters as she does a couple more compressions before pinching her friends nose, tilting her head and blowing into her mouth.

Returning to the compressions Tobin feels tears well up in her eyes but she fights them back as she presses harder against the girl's chest.

"God dammit Kelley O'Hara its not your time, come on." The midfielder growls clenching her jaw as she gives a couple more breaths then back to compressions.

She continues that pattern for what seems like forever when it was only a couple minutes.

Getting worried about where her girlfriend went, Alex walks over to Hope.

"Hey do you know where Tobin went?" The crystal eyed girl asks.

"She went to go check on Kelley. She's been gone a while, I'm starting to get worried but I have to watch these idiots." Hope says motioning towards very drunk Pinoe,Kling, and Moe.

"Get Carli to watch them and come look for them with me." Alex tells Hope.

After Hope convinces her friend to watch over her drunk teammates the two go check the bathroom then learn from JJ that Tobin went outside after Kelley.

The two go outside to see Kelley sitting in the ground, bent to the side coughing with Tobin kneeled next to her holding her hair back.

"What the hell happened?" Hope asks before Alex can.

"I don't know all I know is that when I came out here Kelley had no pulse and wasn't breathing, so I started CPR and well I assume you can guess what happened after that." Tobin explains as Kelley empties the contents of her stomach onto the cement ground.

"Wait what? Are you serious?!" Alex asks.

"Very serious." Tobin answers as Kelley leans against her.

"Thank you, Tobes." Kelley says barely audible.

"Anytime little squirrel." The midfielder replies. "Guys, lets get her out of here. One of you go tell Abby and Christie what happened and that we are going back to the hotel."

As Tobin finishes she scoops her best friend up bridal style in her arms so Kelley's head is resting against the hazel eyed girl's shoulder.

"I can take her." Hope says stepping forward as Alex walks back into the club to inform the veterans.

"With all due respect, Hope, Kelley is my best friend who basically just died. So if you don't mind I'd like to at least carry her to the cab. Then once we get to the hotel she's all yours." The hazel eyes girl says.

"Oh yeah that totally fine. We should probably not go back through the club so I'll go get Alex and meet you out front." Hope says walking back inside.

When the four get back to the hotel Hope takes Kelley into their room, changing her into one of the dark haired girl's hoodies and some shorts.

Hope gets water and aspirin for the freckled girl lying in her bed, setting it on the nightstand.

The tall keeper lays next to Kelley, who cuddles into her, resting her head on the taller girl's chest.

"I love you, Hope." Kelley murmurs softly before yawning (for about the twentieth time since they got back)

Hope smiles widely to herself "I love you too, Kelley." The dark haired girl whispers as she presses a gentle kiss the the freckled girl's forehead. "More than you know." She says softly only to be met by the soft snores of the shorter girl.

A/N:short update but here's some fluff mixed with Kelley practically dying...let me know what you think fam and remember to stay positive and dance for money and updates (: -Kaycee

P.S. -fun fact: I have given someone CPR before then the ambulance arrived and was intense

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