Chapter 12

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"Jeremy lets go we're going to be late for school"I say trying to pull him out of bed."come on"

"But its to early to be up"He says smiling at me "come on babe come back to bed with me"hey says pulling on me.

"No come on Jer we're going to be late"I say pulling him out of bed onto the floor"come on get and put on some clothes and lets go"

"Fine,fine I'll get dressed for you"He says getting up and kissing me then walking to the closet and throwing on some clothes grabbing his bag and we walked out the door and into the car.

"See that wasn't that bad now was it."

"It was horrible just horrible"he says starting the car

"you are a lier" I say as I punch him "now lets go."

It wasn't a very long drive with how Jeremy drives.We were there in about six minutes. When we got there Jeremy gave me a kiss then went to his locker and I went to mine and when I closed it Tyler was there."Hey Ty how are you?"

"alright how about you?"

"Good and I'm doing good"

"You still living with Jeremy?"

"Ya,my mom hasn't even called me to ask me to go back"

"Oh she hasn't"

"no,why?whats going on Tyler"


"Tyler whats going on?!"

"Well,me and Jenna have been talking and,she said that if your mom didn't call for you to come home she was going to call your dad and you will have to move to mass with him"

"What!"I say just as the inter come came on

"Can Elena Bennett please come to the office and bring every thing with you thank you"

"I'm not going Tyler and you can tell my dad that"I say running off to find Jeremy.

"Jeremy,Jeremy"I say as I run into him"Jenna called my dad they want me to move down to mass with him because of my mother and what happened"

"What they can't make you go if you don't want to"

"Yes they can because I'm under eighteen"

"Ok lets go talk to your father"He says grabbing my hand and we walk down to the office I see my dad,step mother and Tyler with the stuff from my locker.

"how did you get into my locker?"

"you gave me the numbers remember"

"Oh crap thats right,but that was if I forgot, not if my father came to get me"I yell

"now Elena there is no reason to yell at Tyler he is just trying to help you"

"What do you mean help me?"

"Elena he told me what Jeremy did to you"

"What,first you tell my mother now my father"

"Wait,your mother knows and your father who else nows Elena?"

"I don't know ask Tyler"

"Nobody else knows I only told you parents I swear"

"Elena why does he even know that was supposed to be between us you know that I wasn't my self that night"

"I told him before I talked to that day I swear Jer I didn't know when I told him"But I was to late Jeremy was walking out I grab his hand"Jeremy please don't go you have to believe me"

"I don't have to believe anything"He yells pulling his hand away I fall to the ground and start crying.

"Jeremy,Jeremy come back please Jeremy come back"I yell hitting my hands of the ground Tyler coming over and holding me so I don't hurt my self."let go of me I hate you"

"Elena you can say that as much as you want but I'm not going to let go of you, you are mt best friend"

"Tyler can you help me get her out to the car."

"Ya, come on Elena lets go"

"No,no I don't want to go, I love him"I scream but Tyler picks me up and carries me out to the car and puts me into the back seat of the car."I love ya girl, but you need to get away from him.

The sides of Jeremy Salvatore's love Book one junior year.Where stories live. Discover now