Chapter 13

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Dear Diary

I'm my dads house, I've been here for two months and have not left the room they gave me. Jeremy has not called me at all, I've been crying every ten minutes. My step mother's son has been coming to check on me well there at work he's nineteen, he comes and checks on me instead of going to hang out with his friends.

"Elena I'm here,Just letting you know"Yells Kol my step brother

"What ever"I yell back

"Hey,Mum and dad want me to get you out of the house today"He says standing out side of my door.

"good luck with that"I say getting up from the desk and getting back into bed."you can go now"

"No this isn't happening,I went threw the same thing at your age,and I learned that you can't just sit around and do nothing you have to get up and do something"Kol says coming over to the bed and picking me up I scream.

"Put me down you,you ass."

"No you are going to get dressed and go out today!"said Kol putting me down at the closet across the room"now get dressed I'll be back in a minute.

I pull out my my vampire shirt and a pair of blue jeans, slip my sneakers on and go out to the living room. Kol was sitting on the couch waiting for me,He's watching law and order.

"Well you wanted me to get dressed,now what are we doing"I say crossing my arms

"Yes,yes well what do you want to do"

"I don't know,what can we do"

"Well we could go see a movie or go to the park."

"Whats playing in the movies?"

"The new movie carrie is playing"

"Ok lets go then"I say walking to the door and before I can open it the somebody knocks on the it,I look out the peep hole scream and open it,It's Jeremy."Oh my God Jeremy it's really you"I say running and jumping into his arms and kissing him like a haven't seen him in two years not months."What are you doing here I thought that you didn't want any thing to do with me?"

"I know but I got thinking and I had no reason to get mad at you for telling Tyler, he is your best friend and you tell him everything" Jeremy says putting me down.

"Hey Elena what are you yelling about out here" Kol says walking out side." Well this is awkward,is this Jeremy"

"Umm Elena who's this?"

"This is my step brother Kol"

"Really then why don't you ever talk about him,you talk about all your brothers and sisters." Says Jeremy walking away.

"Jeremy were are you going,I'm not lying he really is my step brother"I say running after him and jumping in his car after him.

"Get out now!,Elena Get out now if you're going to cheat on me then lie to my face then I don't wont you in my  fucking car, now get out!"

"Jer I'm not lying he is my brother,I've been in my room for the past two months crying my eyes out because I thought that you didn't love me anymore, you have to believe me Jer." I said that just as my father and stepmother drove in.

"Elena get out before I end up hurting you again and, you know I don't want that to happen."

"I know thats why you aren't going to to do it,because you love me and you don't want me to hurt by you or anyone.Know you have to believe me".

"Kol what's going, on who is she talking to?" Asked My father

"She's talking to Jeremy,he thinks that she is lying about me being her step brother."

"what and she's still talking to him.Thats it I'm done with that kid."

"Jeremy drive now go."

"What why?"

"because my dad he's coming go,go hurry" Jeremy steps on the petal we speed out of the drive way I can hear my dad swearing behind us."Jeremy where are we going?"

"To my hotel room"Jeremy says speeding up then looking at me with this evil sparkle in his eyes and I realized I had made the wrong person to go with that Jeremy was plotting something in his head.


We got to the hotel Jeremy commands me to get out of the car and get in front of him,I do as I'm told because I know that if I do he won't hurt me as bad. He reaches in front of me and unlocks the door he pushes me in to the room and closes it behind him.

I go to walk to the other side of the room but Jeremy grabs my arm and slaps me across the face I fall on to the bed,my eyes start to tear but he don't care he gets on to the bed rolls me over and takes my shirt of and goes to kiss me but I kick him in the gut. I jump up and run to the bathroom I  lock the door and get into the shower.

"Come on Elena you can't hide in there for ever you have to come out sooner or later" Yells Jeremy I am crying now and when he starts yelling I cry louder."Elena were is my pocket knife,Elena,Elena come on let me in" He yells and breaks down the door I am holding his knife over my gut,Jeremy runs in takes the knife from me and slaps me again picks me up and throws me onto the bed again takes his shirt of then his pants and jumps onto the bed.

"Jeremy why are you doing this I love you what did I do?"I ask

"Oh don't lie to me Elena you know whats going on!" says Jeremy undoing my pants and pulling them down."know you are going to pay for cheating on me."

"Jeremy,I didn't cheat on you, he's my brother."He slaps me again.

"shut up before I do more to you then I'm going to"

I just lay there and let him do what he wants to do to me Still crying but he doesn't care he has turned into his other person the evil one who will do anything to anyone to get his own way. 

A/N:I would just like to remind you that I wrote this in the 6th grade 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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