I May Or May Not Have Went All 'Pew Pew' On Their Asses

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Chapter 21:

Jessica's POV:





"This is all wrong."

"What is this even about?"



"I don't even think I wrote this."

"Really, Jessica? A song about partying? What parties have you been to?"

I laughed comically at myself as I flipped through my numerous supply of notebooks full of my songs. It's like a thousand Taylor Swifts went through a bad breakup in here. Sadly none of them wrote a song good enough for me to perform in front of millions of people as my revelation will most likely be on world-wide television.

Justin groaned as I tossed one of my worthless song books over my shoulder hitting him square in the balls. I smiled on the inside. Serves you right for interrupting my almost-kiss earlier.

So you may be wondering what's going on right now because you do not quite understand by my choice of words above. Well, I am here to inform you that.

My family's barbecue is long over by now seeing as it's around midnight actually. Everyone left, including the boys who told me polite goodbyes, and now it was the original gang. Selena was out sleeping and so were the little kids. I was left in my music room frantically searching for the perfect song with Justin 'helping' by dosing off on the couch next to me. All he's doing is taking away my oxygen supply.

So far, everything is a total disaster.

Besides the fact that I have no song yet, everything is chaos. Justin is in charge of planning my reveal, and we all know what happens when he plans a party. He goes all out with the decorations, party invitations, publicity. I can already tell how big this will be in the news.

Secondly, my parents - thinking they always need to be in the picture - opted to buy my performing and party dress for me. These being the same two people who made me wear a neon orange and camouflage dress to my 8th grade dance. All night long people passed me making 'pew pew' noises and acting like rabbits in front of me. I may or may not have went all 'pew pew' on their asses.

Thirdly, I can already see me making a fool of myself. No doubt about it, I will fall flat on my face or end up shitting myself on stage. I can already feel the poo building up inside of me just itching to get out at the most embarrassing moment.

I flipped through my next song book while ignoring the paper cuts I was receiving. I'm going to regret this later when I sanitize my hands. It hurts to want to be healthy.

The songs that I once loved enough to write down in these hundreds of notebooks now all make me want to cringe. There's always one flaw about each piece of work that prevents me from using it.

Oh, that song's too slow.

That one's too fast.

I can't sing about love.

That song has a bad word.

I am losing my mind. You may ask me where is is and I will reply, "I don't know. I've lost it. Maybe I left it at the park or something." I'm that frustrated right now.

"Just pick a damn song," JB groaned from the couch. Well, it's nice to finally be doing something beside killing me.

"I can't! None of these are right. I need more time," I complained and began to flip through a new book. I'll tell you, I have over a hundred of these things.

"Then write a new song," he suggested with the roll of his eyes. I dropped the book that was in my hands and spun to face him. "Write a new song?" I asked incredulously. He hesitated before shrugging and nodding.

I laughed sarcastically. "You want me to write a perfect song in two days including all of the audio, instruments, right lyrics, right melodies. Oh Justin, you may be cute on stage, but you're as stupid as shower of cunts," I told him and both our eyes widened.

Oh my God. I'm turning into... Niall.

Damn that adorable leprechaun. I bet he used his magical powers from the pot at the end of the rainbow or something like that. Maybe he smokes something that gives him the powers.

Remember kids. Don't be smoking pot. Be smoking hot.

Justin shook his head to rid of the thoughts I put there, and I picked up another notebook to flip through. I recognized the songs, groaned, and threw it across the room. I already went through that book.

"My offer still stands about you writing a song," Justin smiled with a teasing voice. I rolled my head and gave him my best annoyed look, but I ended up looking like I was giving birth to a tribe of kangaroos. A kangacrew.

I sighed. "I don't think I would make it if I tried to write a new song," I admitted while slumping my shoulders in defeat. A pout came over my face and I was ready for Niagara Falls to come from my eyes, but my body is having a drought right now. I sighed. Why am I so complicated?

Justin stood up from the tan couch and I frowned at it. That bastard left a butt mark. Is he just trying to ruin my whole life?

He walked towards me and stood directly in front of me. He reached out his hands and set them on my shoulders. "You can do it. I know you can," he reassured me. "But-" I tried only to be cut off by him.

"Look, Jess. I've known you for a long time, and I basically know you better than you know yourself. I've seen you write songs. Once you get into it there's no stopping you," he told me and I smiled for the first time in this frustrated state.

"I know that if you pick any of these songs it'll be perfect. But, if you're really needing a new song that will absolutely blow everyone away, I know you can do it. You just need a little inspiration," Justin continued. I mentally awwed at him for preaching to me at a time like this.

"But for now, I suggest you get a little rest," he told me and I scoffed. "The only things that'll be getting rest is my legs which will fall asleep from sitting and writing so much," I shot back referring to all the times I've written songs.

I shutter at the hell some songs put me through. I mean, I don't know about y'all, but I hate when my legs fall asleep. But hey, some weird freak out there might take pleasure from the feeling of a colony of ants eating you from under your skin.

"Fine, then I'll help you," Justin sighed. "Really?" I asked with excitement. He nodded and kissed my forehead like the loving cousin he is.

I skipped over to my white board, grabbed a marker, and started scribbling different song themes on the board. "Okay, what should we-" I spun around to face a passed out Justin Bieber on my couch.

I sighed and ignored his presence right after doodling all over his face in marker. I laughed at him. Serves you right, bitch.

My eyes led me back to my whiteboard, and I finally began my work.

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