Then Drag Me, Motherfucker, Because I'm Not Leaving

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Chapter 28 (Last Chapter):

(Lol. Not really.)

Jessica's POV:






"Mrs. Bieber."



I was well aware of the voice that was trying to pull me from my sleep. After being dropped of at home last night, I walked straight passed the boys in my living room, stripped off my dress, and climbed into my bed. From there, I was out.

I planned on sleeping in today until it was physically impossible for me to stay in bed any longer. But this person who was repeatedly shaking me obviously had other plans.

"Come on, Jessica. Today's a very important day," I recognized Justin's voice calling me. I sighed, snuggling deeper into my blankets. "We have to talk about a lot of serious things today. Plus, everyone else is awake. Get up," he scolded me.

Me, being in the half-awake, half-sleep state I was in, I gave my best disoriented answer that you will only hear a fangirl use. "I literally cannot even, I can't even, I am unable to even, I have lost my ability to even, I am so unable to even," I trailed off and listened to him laugh.

"You need to wake up and get out this bed. Selena's making breakfast," he tried to taunt me, but I was way too tired to care. It was silent for a few seconds which I guessed he used to think of an idea to get me up. "I'll drag you," he finally threatened.

I smirked, cuddling deeper into my pillow. "Then drag me, motherfucker, because I'm not leaving," I spat back making him sigh.

I felt a whoosh of cold air hit my body as Justin threw my blankets on the floor. I silently prayed that he would leave and my blankets would somehow crawl its way back onto me. But that didn't happen.

Two large hands wrapped themselves around my ankles, pulling me tauntingly. "You better stop before I turn into Justin Timberlake," I threatened.


"Because then you're going to end up crying me a river." I snickered at my lame joke.

My body involuntarily slid further down my bed, me dragging my pillow along with me. He's not going to let me just drop off the edge. I smiled to myself. "I'm getting closer," Justin warned, and I scoffed. He's going to stop right before I fall.

But that didn't quite happen.

My head made a thud! noise as it hit the floor after my body. I groaned, fisting the pillow in my hands. "I told you," Justin smirked over me. I glared in his direction, rubbing the back of my head.

"You suck," I spat, slowly attempting to stand up.

"I know you love me," he teased, placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I shoved him away from me and started towards my  bathroom. "Breakfast's ready when you are!" he called after me. I slammed my door in response.

I splashed water on my face, attempting to wake myself up. And if you're wondering, that never works. You only end up more agitated than before and looking like the grudge. I sighed, drying my face off and stepping out of the bathroom.

I made my way into the kitchen, clutching my pillow to my chest and breathing in the food. "Morning, sunshine!" Zayn announced happily from the table all the boys sat at. I shot him a quick glare, moving towards the living room.

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