You're Likely to Get Diseases From Foreigners

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To know why I have not been on Wattpad, read the note at the end of the chapter. You may have already read it on my other story.

Chapter 51:

Jessica's POV:

Did I ever make it to that Asian restaurant to meet the others for lunch?


Was Zayn ever able to surprise the others and me?


Did I even get to see them one last time before I was dragged onto this god forsaken plane?

Fucking no.

Why? Because as soon as we left Los Angeles for New York, security members from Lauren's team were ordered to secure my house. It's kind of ironic how as soon as they did that, multiple break-ins were attempted. The reason why we had to fly back home was because of these five trespassers and the legal stuff that needed to be dealt with.

Basically, the "emergency" that's abruptly ending my trip is because of a group of idiots wanted to sell my toothbrush on eBay. And, let me tell you, I am pissed.

On our way to lunch, I got a phone call from Lauren ordering me back to the hotel and that there was an emergency. I told Zayn to go ahead, and I would call him after I found out what was happening. Little did I know that Lauren would be waiting with a cab when I got back, and our flight would be leaving in an hour and a half.

I instantly called Eliza and explained the situation to her as Lauren scolded me to pack faster. I still wasn't sure what the emergency was then. She and the others tried to meet me at the airport in time, but they were too late.

Now that I'm aware of why Lauren and I are flying home, I am furious. Why did those people have to break into my house now? How would they know where I live? Why do we have to fly home now? Why can't we do this legal stuff from New York? Can I stay in the same house?

Lauren kept to herself the entire flight because she was too busy trying to get her information and other stuff together. I spent my time trying to convince the people around me to stop using the wifi so that I could contact the others. I even tried to bribe them with bags of peanuts. It didn't work, obviously.

I tried keeping myself busy the past five hours by sleeping and staring out of the window. I've flown quite a bit, but this was one of the very few times I was flying at night. It looks like I'm floating in a sea of black.

"Hey," Lauren pulled me from my thoughts, speaking for the first time since we got on the plane, "you need to start thinking about if you want to charge these guys for breaking into your house."

"Isn't that your job?" I asked. She's my manger. She's supposed to know everything.

"It's technically your choice, but I have a strong suggestion. I just want to hear what you think first," she explained. An announcement was made over the PA system that we are about to start descending. Lauren sighed and turned off her laptop, complying to the no electronics rule.

"When do you need an answer?" I asked, frowning at my own phone before putting it away. I probably wouldn't be talking to them anytime soon. I hope they're okay. They should be, but it must be weird since Lauren and I left with no notice.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow around noonish. Tonight we're dealing with your living situation," she responded, glancing from me to the window. "It looks creepy out there."

"Tonight? It's already past midnight, and we're dealing with my living arrangements tonight? What does-"

"You need to move, obviously."

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