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We sat there hugging for a while till connie jumped up with excitement and ran towards the door

"What are you doing?" I said laughing

"Can we go a walk, please!

"Y-yea.. What for though?"

She didn't answer and just ran over to the couch, grabbed my arm and pulled me out the door

I did my dorkish laugh , which i hadn't done in a while because.............

Anyway..she raced down the steps and ran towards the beach

"Do you have you're phone!" She said with a huge smile

"Yea, why?"

"Just lemme see it" she started doing her cute giggle and put on our song from when we were kids

I started blushing and tearing up a little

"Why are you doing this " i said laughing

"Look at the sky Steven! Its almost the exact same from when we first fused!!! Its so beautiful"

I stood there staring at the sky for a while till she grabbed my hand and started dancing

I was just gazing at her, watching her have a good time. She was smiling and laughing, and just being herself

"Connie" i said sweetly

She stopped and walked over to me


I grabed her hand and spun her around just enough so i could hold her waist and tilt her

She stared up at me with a twinkle in her eyes and i stared back at her blushing with a soft smile

We were nose to nose and i was leaning in for a kiss till i hear pearl. She was standing on the porch waving at us

"sTEVeN!! Hahah I get it now!!!! This IS WHAT yOU mENT bY YOUR FUNKY FLoW!!"

My eyes widened and i started blushing extra hard

I said that when we were kids and haven't said it again

Connie did a slight chuckle which made me blush even harder

I wined with embarrassment and let connie go and kinda walked away.

"Its ok Steven, hehe" she walked over to me and got close to my face

"Its cute" she said

Then kissed me on the cheek

I smiled and was still blushing though, then pearl started to walk over

"Hah steven, its all so clear now! Your funky flow was to get connie to date you, have a baby..well erh uh..."

She fell silent then stated up again

"And to finish your flow you're gonna get ma-"

Before she finished i put both of my hands on her mouth


I pulled her off to the side and started whispering angrily

"Who told you that?! Why are you up in my business ?"

"Well, garnet does have future vision hehe, and your father told me and he has something planned"

She started laughing and dancing and clapping her hands

"Oooo, its gonna be soo guude !! I gotta go before i let it out!! Bye steven!"

Then she leaned over and said deeper than how she said to me

"Bye connie" and waved. She rain back to the house.

"Whhhaat was that all about??" Connie said

"Oh nothing haha" i said sweating nervously and put my hand behind my head

She raised and eyebrow and let out a sigh

"Ook whateverr u sayy. now lets go finish our walk!!"

She grabbed my hand and started dragging me to all the places we went as stevonnie

Eventually we made our way tothe warehouse

"Wow, i remember this place, i cant believe it still looks good"

I wiped a happy tear from my eye and then connie started humming


She held out her hand

"Can i have this dance?"

I blushed and smiled softly

"Of course"

She started humming again

Then she Started singing , we both did

She sang her part and i sang pearls but we changed it up a bit

"I can do it for him"

"Ill do it for her"

"Then we'll do it again"
I spun her around and tilled her like my dad did for mom

"And now you say"

She corseted her hand on my cheek and leaned up so our noses were touching

"Ill do it for him"

Then i pulled her in , tilled my head and kissed her

I say that one was pretty magical.

After that we decided to head home, the sun had fully gone down and it was dark out

We were holding hands and i started humming this time, and had a pep in my step.

"Haha what are you doing and signing"

I let go of her hand and started dancing

She started to laugh even more then i stated laughing too

"Come on connie, you couldn't have forgotten this song!!"

I grabbed her hand and started dancing with her

"The sun is bright, our shirts are clean, we're sitting up above the sea. Come on and share this jam with me!"

She blushed and started giggle all cute like

"Peach or plum or strawberry any kind is fine you see , come on and share this jam with me!"

I started blushing to and started laughing harder, my gem also started to glow and set the mood

We finally got back to the house and was to exhausted from all the singing and dancing we went straight to bed.

Connie curled up on me, and i hug her back.

........I'm glad we're back home.......

((Whoop whoop there goes another chapter!! Hope u liked it!!))

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