✖️Twenty Three✖️

186 13 13

Connie and i looked at each other tearing up. Then the gems soon came outside

"WAIT AGO SPORT !" Ame yelled giving me a hug hug

"I knew it from the start that you liked her...and i guess your funk flow shown through" she winked at me

And i softly smiled back

Pearl gave me a hug doing too and did her high peach squeal of happiness

"Congratulations Steven!! I am so proud of you!! You're all grown up!!"

Garnet walked up to me with her arms crossed. We were face to face we stared at each other in silence

Then she cracked a smile and put a hand on my shoulder

"Good job"

I wiped a small tear from my eye

"Awee thanks guys"

I grabbed connie and pulled her close to my side

"None of this would have happened if my lovely wife here would have said no"

She smiled

"Why would i say no haha, plus you were the first person to ever talk to me and i appreciated that ,and i knew from that moment i liked you :) "

Me and her had a huge smile on our faces

"Yea hah because you couldn't make any friends on your own i had to put some effort into you "

"Yea.......ha...ha" her smile started to fade

"Im-im gonna go get a drink.."


I looked back at the gems gesturing "what did i do?"

Garnet just shook her head and pearl held her hands close to her chest..

I turned and headed for the drink table..

Connie was leaning against the wall staring at the floor spinning her drink around the class

"Connie? Is everything ok? Come back out and have some fun"

"No...its not ok...ill stay here...since you are my only friend and all..."

My eyes widened in realization on what i did

"Oh jeez connie i didn't..."

Se cut me off..

"Whatever...I'm ready to go..."

"Oh..um..ok..." I grabbed all our stuff and we called someone to take us back home

When we got back connie went right inside without saying a word

"Ill bring everything inside...don't worry about it...thanks for the help..."
I said under my breath sarcastically
And grunted my way up the stairs

When i was finished i head up to my room and saw her in the bed, still in her dress facing the window..



"Connie im sorry... I didnt mean to hurt. Your feelings like that..."

"Then how did you mean to hurt them.."

"I DIDN'T want to hurt them at all"

She sat up with tears stained to her cheeks

"Then why would you stoop that low Steven! Like was that even necessary to say?"

She put her hands on her cheeks and started to softly cry

"I know i was a loser...and couldn't make any friends , but don't you think i want that in my past...i don't want think about how i was..."

"Connie i wasn't meaning to put you down..."

I scooted closer to her and wrapped my arm around her and laid my head on hers

"Thats what i loved/ still love about you...the shyness..the humbleness...its mega cute to me...and thats why i love you because you're you.."

She hugged me and apologized

"Now lets get out of these nice cloths "

She sniffled ad laughed

"You sound like a dad "

I blushed softly and smiled

"Thats means ill be good at it right?"


When i was down in my boxers to put pj's on i noticed connie was still in her dress

"Aren't you gonna change?"

"I need you to help me.. "
Her eyes twinkled in the moon light and i started blushing...then she did too

"Can..can you unzip it and take it off?"

I blushed harder

"Uh sure."

And the zipper came undone and more and more of her body was showing...

I started blushing even more when she dropped it off her shoulders and was just in her bra an underwear...

I mean is not like i haven't seen her like that before, but now we're married ...and it feels different

I just sat there blushing and staring...


I snapped out of it real quick

"Oh uh sorry hehe"

She gave me a cute soft smile and then got back into bed..

I laid next to her and held her close..

I kissed her forehead and spoke softy

"You ready for a honeymoon?"

"Heck yea!"  She smiled and looked up at me

"You better make it amazing.." She winked at me and smiled seductively  

I started thinking to myself about the perfect honeymoon...and how I'm gonna tell...well ask her for what i want...

I decided to go to bed early..

Its gonna be a big day tomorrow...

"Good night connie, i love you"

"I love you too Steven..."

I started falling asleep and started yawn..

"I...i love you....*yawn* more than....than you know..."

((Sooo sorry for the weak chapter and the long wait...ik ik it short...but hey...I'm gonna give you guys a nice long one as a Christmas present xD anyway hope you sorta liked it :/))

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