✖️Thirty Fivvvve ✖️

118 11 10

((Whoah day 3 already!?))

As i was walking i was thinking ..maybe i could spend it with her..i mean..i might get in trouble, but shes worth it

I started running back towards her house with a smile on my face

Shes my world
Shes my night and day
Ill be glad to repeat my life over and over as long as i get to spend it with her..
Now that im really thinking about it..i don't wanna go back..

(Back with the gems and connie)

Everyday , connie walks by Steve's bed and sits next to him..

Their baby is about a month now, already crawling...

Connie walks over to steven and sits on the edge

"Oh steven, you're missing so much.. I want you back so bad ..your body looks like its withering away, and idk if you're in pain or not.. gOd i just want you back.. To feel your arms around me..to hear you speak to me..to kiss me.."

She lays downs on him and starts crying

"Please come back.."

The gems later walk in noticing connie laying on Steven with the baby..out cold..

"Hmm, we should let her rest.." Says garnet

"NO! We gotta tell that we know how he can come back! Its her business too ya know!" Amethyst says

"Garnet is right amethyst, maybe she just needs a few moments, days, weeks ..who knows how long its gonna take haha"

"Pearl..we need to tell her as soon as possible..this is a need to know situation..would you like it if you were in that position with rose hmmmm!!?"

"Uggh fine , amethyst"

The gems went back to there rooms they decided to hold off for two more days on telling connie about Steven..

(Steven's P.O.V)

I mad it to Connie's house and its pretty late..

I find rocks and throw them at her window

She opens it

"Psssst! Connie! Come look at the stars with me!" I whisper loudly

She groans and  and wipes her eyes

"What? Steven, i could look at the stars from my house, plus i was sleepingg"

"I know you could..but you could also Come have a night time date with me, please?" I said battering my eyelids

"B-But steven.."

"Oh noo, this beautiful girl wont let me sneak her out.. Whatever shall i do!?"


"I guess im gonna have to cause havic all on my own..steal doughnuts..and other objects or maybe even kidnap her from her room.."

"Haha fine Steven , ill go with you if you stop acting so dramatic " she started laughing

"But i wouldn't be Steven without my scenes"

I smiled up at her and she smiled back at me

Man, Everytime that girl moves i fall more madly in live with her

It took her a while, but she finally got out the door..

I grabbed her hand and dragged her all around town

It seemed like more fun since were were sneaking around and doing stuff undercover ya know?

We got to a decent area and laud back and started star gazing

She laid down on her back and so did i.. We had our hands intertwined

Though she was looking at the stars..i kept looking at her..

When she turned her head and noticed she blushed and so did i

"Steven could i ask you something?"

I got a chill down my spin

"Ye-yea sure whats up?"

"I was thinking , you said me and you had a child together right?"

"Yea..connie? What are you getting at.."

She blushed and bit her lip..

" no way" i said in my bran

I got closer to her and leaned in for a kiss..

She started kissing back

Then then it all went down..i undressed her..etc...

All that juicy stuff if for me and connie to know onlyy ;)

Before i knew it we were sleeping..

But i woke up before her..to the sun rising ..
I yawned, sat up , and noticed connie was in my shirt...


Then reality hit me


She jumped up

"What already!!? How!?"

"I-i dont know..w-we must if fell asleep!"

"Ohhh shoot shoot shoot! I gotta get you homee!!"

Then..after all this freakking out happened i started to feel pain in my stomach and my head...my whole body started aching


"Ah steven ! Are you alright!?"

I started brushing up on my back and on my chest..

"Whats wrong with mee?!"

I started tearing up

"Idk steven!! We need to get you to a hospital!!?"

"Never mind me! Ill be fine ! I need to get you home before your mom notices!"

"Ahh right!?"

We started running , but i got slower..and slower till i fell to the ground..


"NO!" I held up my hand

"Go home connie! Ill call you.. Ill be fine..."

She started tearing up but nodded her head and ran off

I licked my hand and put it over my stomach..

"Thats should help..at least for now.."

((Hmm day 3? How about that..ik ik is short... I didnt have a chace t make it longer cause i was out all day I'm sorry...any way hope you enjoyedd!))

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