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She tried talking but i interrupted  her

I put my hands in my hair

"Im not understanding, di-did i do something wrong"

"No, Steven...i-i'm sorry i didn't mean to make you upset..."

"I know, i guess i just over reacted..." I said wiping my face

She hugged me

"Do you wanna go out later?" She said with a half smile

I sniffled

"Sure" i cracked a smile back at her

__Greg's P.o.v_

Whats taking Steven so long...

I thought to myself ...everything is basically ready, but it can go until he asks her...

I put my hands in my pocket and started walking


I pull my hand out my pocket and realized the ring was there

Oh jeez...

I put it back in my pocket and started running towards his house

Then i noticed him walk into the Big D smiling and laughing

I rushed into the door and slammed it open


I took a few breaths..

Im not in the best of shape

"I have..i have..."

Then i finally looked up and realized he was with connie
... And everyone was staring at me

"I have yourrr ummm"

I just stood there sweating nervously while they were looking at me

"Dad, are you ok...?"

"Yus!!!!!" I yelled

"...?" He gave me a questioning look and him and connie looked at each other

I groaned

"Steven can you just meet me outside......alone..."

"Uhh sure..."

He kissed connie on the cheek

"Ill be right back" he whispered

They're so cute, he reminds me so much of myself ..

"Whats up dad?"

Steven's P.o.v

My dad reached into his pocket and pulled out the ring


He put it in my hand and began walking off

"Thats it?" I asked in confusion

"Well yea...whats you expect..?"

"Well some tips, or even a 'bye son, i love you..?'"

He smiled

"Heres a tip... Ask in a way that would make her cry...with happiness...make it something to remember"

"Ok...annd?" I smiled

He smiled back and stated walking off waving

"Bye son, i love you"

"Hehe, i love you too, dad" I said softly to myself

I walked back inside while putting the ring in my pocket and notice connie was starting at me

"What was that all about?"

"Oh nothing" i said happily

She raised an eyebrow and smiled

we grabbed some doughnuts and went anywhere connie felt like going

It was fun

It was pretty late and we decided to sit on the beach.

"Isn't it beautiful at night" she said laying her head on my shoulder


I looked down at her watching her eyes twinkle

I smiled and laughed softly to myself and rested my head on hers..

I started to doze off

But connie was still wide awake..

Sooner or later i was out

I woke up and it was darker than before

I looked down noticing connie was resting her head in my lap

I smiled and woke her softly

"Hey...lets go inside..."

She yawned

"Ooh k"

I grabbed her hand and we walk inside

We went to bed and it was nice and warm

I woke up the next morning and connie was already awake making breakfast

I walk over to her giving her a 'good morning hug'

She Smiled while i kissed her on the cheek

"Smells good, you should cook more often"

She smiled back but didn't seem to acknowledge me

I walked back up stair and turned decided to change into comfy cloths...

It just felt like one of those days

I put my hands in my pocket to put the ring away..

Then i realized

Its gone...

((Here your 3rd awful chapter!! :D Man I'm on a roll !! Also sorry its so late...Anyway see you soon!!))

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