✖️ Thirty Seven !! ✖️

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(( Day 5! Final dayy omg ! Im so sad 😫))

"Mr. Universe! Help me take him back to the van!"

We rushed as fast as we could to get Steven to the hospital..

I sat in the back having his head rest on my lap

"Its gonna be ok" i tear fell and dropped onto his cheek

His eyes started to twitch and then slowly opened


"Shh steven save your energy, your dad an i are taking to you to the hospital..everything is gonna be ok"

He looked up at me and smiled and then closed his eyes again
(Back with gems and connie)

Connie was on the floor thinking to herself..

"How long till steven dies ? But do i even what him to die..."

"I want my child and my husband..we're supposed to be a happy family.."

She continued on

"Maybe this is my fault...no, it IS my fault.. He left because of our child..i must have kept ignoring him.."

She put her hands on her face

"Maybe if i died it would make everything better..? He wouldn't miss me anyway..he could stay in his brain and have me there?"

She sat on Steven's  bed contemplating about everything..

" but if Steven does end up dying ..everything gets to be ok right? I get to keep my child, and my husband..but how long till i actually get to see him again.."

(Steven's P.O.V)

Everything is dark..last thing i can rememberer was that connie was  taking me to the hospital..

When i start to open my eyes again I was  in the hospital bed.  Connie and my dad are sitting by my side

But my eyes dont wanna stay open..i see them but they're blurry..i could barley hear anything either..

I hear connie jump up and start screaming my name..

Then it all fades to Black

I see a light and i walk towards it
Then i start running
I see connie at the end of it

"Connie!!" I yelled

"CONNIE!" I got loader and ran even faster

It all gets dark again..

Then reality hit me again
I woke up
"Connie!"  I sat up quickly

I start looking around

"Im at the house?"

All the lights are off ..

"Its night time?"

I flip my feet over the couch and
I start walking up the steps to find connie in my bed and the baby

I started crying on the floor

Mainly crying tears of joy

"Im back! Haha oh god I'm back.."

"My beautiful  wife, and my gorgeous daughter !"

I decided to walk out side and take a breath

"Oh man its feels so good!"

I looked off into the distance and noticed the sun was rising

"I gotta get my family!"

I ran back inside smiling and laughing my butt off

I ran up the steps and picked up connie and out child

And bolted outside

"Whats happening!! Let  us go!"

After a few seconds of her beating me i guess she finally realized who i was


She grabbed my face and pulled me in for a huge kiss

Then she hugged me

She also started crying

I set her and the baby down and then Connie tackled me into a hug

"Steven!!! I've missed you so much!!"

"Ive miss you guys too!"

"You were gone for so long "


She shut me up with a huge kiss again and started laughing

We laid there in the sand together and then our child crawled on top of us

I picked her up and hearing her laugh for the first time brought even more tears to my eyes

They were both happy and sad

"How could i be so selfish..shes's beautiful and im glad to call her mine.."

I turned over at connie and i couldn't help by kiss her..

Just feeling her up against  me is the greatest feeling in the world

After our long heart felt  kiss she pushed me off of her and sat up

"Hey Steven?" She looked off into the distance and wouldn't look at me once


"Steven, could i ask you something..for the sake of our family..?"

"Of course..?"

She looked over at me and sighed

She then took a deep breathe and began

"I need you to quit being a crystal gem.."

(( soo here lies the end of my mini book bomb..hope you enjoy and ill update soon..but for now im gonna take a little break... ;) sorry for the mediumish chapter but hope you enjoy love you all!"

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