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_Steven's p.o.v__
i let go of her and looked her in the eyes..

"Connie.." I said as softly as i could

She looked back up at me and her eyes sparkled and i started to blush..

"Yea Steven.."

"There is something I've been meaning to ask you.."

She started to blush really hard as i grabbed her hand

"Connie will you..."

Before i could finish and fully get down on my knee my dad showed up speeding and did a hard break right in front of us..

"Jesus christ dad!"

He rolled down the window

"Howdy gang, connie you look well"

"I am, thanks "

"Hop in! Im taking you guys home"

I started to get angry, i was bubbling up inside because i wanted it to be then, right there when we were happy and together ....


"So Steven, what were you trying to ask me?"

I crossed my arms and kept staring out the window

"It.. It was nothing"

She sighed and looked out the other window..

It was awkward in the car so my dad put on the radio...well his old albums

Connie started laughing as my dad starting singing and "dancing"

I rolled my eyes

Then connie rested her hand on my thigh

"Steven, relax...you can ask me later..."

She said sweetly

I groaned, then smiled

"Yea, i guess you're right"

She smiled and kissed me on the cheek

"I know"

For the rest of the drive home connie, my dad, and i were all having a blast in the car

It started to get dark , but we didn't really care

"So let me drive my van into you heart!! Let me drive my van intoo your hearrt" we all sang, well basically screaming it

"Haha, thanks for the drive home dad"

"Ya, thanks Mr.Universe"

"Anytime! Now, you two get some rest! Its late! "

We giggled and started walking up the steps

"Hey Garent, Ame, and pearl! We are home! Everything is ok now!"

I started walking around the house

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