Chapter three

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"Come in!" I heard from the other side of the door. Sage and I were at Jason's house with large Nerf guns behind our backs and smaller ones clipped in our beltloops.

We walked in and Jason was on the couch with his laptop in his lap.
"Hey Sagittarius, hey Sage" Jason said when the door closed.
"Here" Sage gave him a smaller Nerf gun and we gave everyone a small gun except Adam, he was recording.

Everyone (Sage, Ian, Mitch, Jerome, Ty, Jason and Quentin along with myself) creep into Adams room. Sage and I have the bigger guns and the guys have the smaller ones.

I aim and give the signal everyone shoots every last bullet at Adam, one got him in the eye I think. I smiled and gave the retreat signal, everyone ran, I took cover in the nearest room and hid. The room just so happened to be Jason's.

"Sagittarius I know your behind this!" Adam yelled. I tried to hold back my giggles but failed. He flung the door open and I immediately took off towards the balcony.

After looking down quickly I stood on the railing and looked back at Adam who stood wide eyed staring at me. I gave a salute before jumping into the pool. The impact hurt but the look on Adams face!

I smiled and dodged the shoes he threw at me. Sage came running out and jumped into the pool too, except she didn't jump from the second story.

"Help" she squeaked swimming behind me
"From what?"

"Hahaha gotcha!" Mitch yelled
"Lezz go biggums!" Jerome yelled, they jumped in and we started splashing each other again.

I got an idea and whispered it to everyone. They smiled and agreed.

We ran inside, still soaking wet, and hugged everyone.

"Hey Jason" I said, he turned around and I hugged him. When I pulled away he was soaked, he looked down at himself and scrunched up his nose.
"1....2....3....4..." Jason counted slowly, then I realized what he was doing, I ran until Sage, Jerome, Mitch and I all met up. Different people were chasing everyone. Jason and Ty were chasing me, Quentin was chasing Sage, Adam was chasing Jerome and Ian was chasing Mitch.

We gave each other worried looks and I smiled realizing something. The elevator! I made a break for it and everyone followed, it's like in those action movies where everything slows down as the bad guys are chasing the good guys.

Jerome slipped and Adam picked him up. I quickly glanced back to see Mitch pulling out a Nerf gun and shooting Adam causing him to drop Jerome (keep in mind this is in slow motion) when I look forward again, Quentin has Sage over his head.

I use my wet feet to quickly change directions. The kitchen is just downstairs, I'll go there and hide in the pantry, or the laundry room.
"Please no! I fan!" I heard Sage scream, Ty stopped chasing me and sat on the couch.
"Jason nooo" Ty yelled "they fan"
"I don't!" I yelled and kept running. Sage was tied up in sweaters in the elevator.

Jason and Quentin were chasing me. I quickly spun around on my heel, now charging for them. This took them by surprise and they skid right into me, or so they thought, I ducked and slid between them.

"Sagittarius help!" Jerome shouted. "Please!" Mitch added.
I followed the sounds of their voices and picked up some Nerf darts and a small gun that someone dropped.

Just two darts, in have two chances. I heard fast footsteps on the stairs and I stopped. Ian was in front of me with some cool sunglasses on and a gun in hand. I turned around to see Jason and Quentin with their arms crossed.

I closed my eyes and used my hearing. I heard Ian cock his gun and I shot at him. He let out a groan and a thud filled my ears. I smirked the shot whoever was behind me. It just so happened to be Quentin. I opened my eyes and jumped over Ian into Adams room. I used a spare dropped gun to block the handle. I grabbed as many bullets as I saw and when the door finally opened I shot Jason.

I jumped over his "lifeless" body and shot Ty in the shoulder as I was passing the couch. I untied Sage and wondered and Mitch and Jerome.

I heard a muffled scream and ran in that direction with Sage trailing me. I flung open the shed door once outside to see Mitch and Jerome with duct tape around their mouths.

Their hands were zip-tied together and they sat back to back.

"Hello, Sagittarius" a menacing voice said. I was shot in the forehead with a Nerf gun and Tyler appeared out of the shadows.

Sage took my gun and shot him, then saving Mitch and Jerome.

I got up and brushed myself off along with Tyler, everyone else was up and laughing too.

"Tyler how long were you here?!" Adam asked, Tyler shrugged
"About an hour I guess"

"You guys should stay here!" Adam suggested after we ate Chinese food.
"Yeah, sure" Sage answered for me shooting a wink my way causing me to blush
"You sure? I mean you haven't really known us long" I said looking at Adam.
"Yeah of course! We love you guys!" Ty said pointing at us with a fork.
"SLEEPOVER!" Sage and Tyler yelled at the same time, I smiled when they blushed.

"Alright girls, take your pick. Who you wanna bunk with?" Quentin said leaning against the couch. Ian glanced at Jason trying to contain laughter.
"Jerome!" Sage shouted and they high five.
"Jason I guess" I said shrugging
"Oooooooh" everyone said, I flipped them off and went upstairs. But not before Jerome pulled me aside.

"Can I talk to you?" He asked seriously, I've never seen him like this.
"Yeah sure" I followed him into his room and he shut the door.
"Listen, Sage is my little sister" Jerome said nervously glancing around
"But her last name is-"
"Acceti, yeah I know. It's my last name too. She went to live with my, our grandma when our house burned down, mom and dad said she was to little to deal with anything like that happening again. Please don't tell her"
"Why not?"
"Because I'll do it" I just nodded and walked out into Jason's room where he was messing with a soundboard on his computer.

"Here" he tossed me a shirt of his. I went to the bathroom and changed.

When I got back I flopped down on his bed.
"I'll sleep in the living room. Night Sagittarius" Jason was almost to the door when I stopped him.
"Wait" I said, he slowly turned around to face me "stay"

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