Chapter eight

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Play song now
I sat in my room listening to Come little children rocking back and forth.

It's been a few days, my medication is in the living room and they don't believe me. When I think about my cello, anger floods my emotions. I've had that cello since 6th grade, that instrument was my baby.

I sigh placing my head in my hands. Something inside of me clicks and I black out.

Third person p.o.v
Sagittarius stood stiff for a moment, then her eyes changed a gentle grey color.

She smiled wickedly and went into her bathroom. Many different pill bottles is what she grabbed. After swallowing a handful of them she smashed her razor and brought it to her arm.

She smiled as the blood trailed her arm. After turning on the tap, she climbed into the bathtub, letting it fill to her liking. When her arm touched the hot water a laugh bubbled in her throat.

She swallowed another handful of pills and got out of the bath. Everything was cleaned up, a new razor lye out, the old one discarded, the bloody water drained from the tub and the pills put back.

She lay in her bed, she sobs violently and shakes her head muttering it isn't true.

Sagittarius's p.o.v
The next morning I woke up and dressed quickly. I turned on Come little children again and stared at my arms. Lines covered them, a tear spills over and I cry into my hands.

A knock sounds at my door and I quickly pull down my sleeves and wipe my eyes.

"You ready?" Jason asks, I nodded and was lead out of my room.

Once in the living room I grab my pills and swallow some. I close my eyes tightly and a numbing falls over my mind.

Everyone looks at me in hope, Mitch is shaking slightly. A new girl sits next to him. I tilt my head in a questioning way, the girl stands up and approaches me.

After looking me up and down she shakes my hand.
"Hi, I'm Eliz" she smiled at me. I returned the smile and Mitch exhaled.

"I'm sorry. I-I dropped it and forgot it was wood until I heard a crack I really didn't mean to" Mitch stammered, his eyes grew wide as I approached him, his body tensed and everyone around us held their breath.

I leaned down and hugged Mitch. His body slightly loosened and he wrapped his arms around me.

~later that night~

"Hey guys I'm going to bed, Goodnight" I said jogging upstairs, turns out, Eliz and Mitch have been dating for a while now. Everyone mumbles goodnight, and I quickly lock my door.

Flicking on the light I screamed into my pillow. Again, my world became black and I was gone.

Third person p.o.v
The same thing as last night happened to our dear, Sagittarius. Grey swirled in her eyes and she swallowed random pills, slicing her arm, except this time, she didn't come back so fast.

Sagittarius stomped downstairs and pulled Ian into a deep kiss. Ian squirmed away as Sagittarius had a crazed look in her eyes.

"W-what are you d-d-doing?" Ian stammered as everyone's eyes fell on them. Jason had a pained look on is face and walked upstairs without a word.

Sagittarius's eyes snapped back to blue and she looked at everyone's horrified faces.
"Sa-Sagittarius?" Adam asked with worry etched into his features.
"Th-that wasn't me, you've got to believe me! Ever since dad died my personalities have been acting up, that wasn't me, I'm so so sorry"
"We believe you, but I think you should go talk to Jason" Ian said. I nodded and walked slowly upstairs.

I took a deep breath and knocked on his door.
"Jason...Jason it's Sagittarius, please open the door. We need to talk"
"There's nothing to talk about, go away" I heard him mumble.
"Jason, please" I choked.
"SAGITTARIUS LEAVE!" Jason yelled, I flinched from his tone.

I shook my head and went in my room writing him a note, I walked back and slipped it under his door then got in my car and left.

Jason's p.o.v
A note was slipped under my door and then I heard her car roar into life then fade away, the note read: Dear, Jason
I really need to talk to you, Ian is like my brother. That wasn't me! My other personalities have been acting up ever since my dad died. I really didn't mean it..I promise
Love, Sagittarius

I crumpled up the paper and threw it in my garage can. Yeah, sure, personalities. I thought to myself.

Around midnight I got up and subconsciously went to Sagittarius's room. Hoping to see her when I opened the door, my hopes were crushed.

The bed was empty and the bathroom door was open, and the light on. I peeked in, again hoping she'd be there, yet again my hopes were crushed.

What did catch my eye was a razor on the sink, blood was staining it. The bathtub was full of water that was tinged red.

My heart dropped and I ran out into the cool autumn air. Her car wasn't in the driveway.

I tried calling her and got no answer, I called Sage.
"Uh, what Jason?" Sage groaned from the other side of the phone.
"Sagittarius, she's gone and she isn't answering her phone" I said panicked.
"Tyler get up" I heard her say then she hung up. I got the guys up and they spread out across the city.

At about one a.m. it started pouring. My car came to a slow stop and I cursed as my gas tank went to E.

I called the guys and told them what happened. None of them were near me but Ty would be here as soon as he could.

I sighed and leaned my head against the window. A figure walked briskly across the road.

The person came up to my window and knocked. Hesitantly I rolled down my window and a familiar voice filled my ears.

"I'm ready to go home" I got out of the car and enveloped her in a hug.
"Sagittarius please don't leave again" I said into her soaking hair.
"I won't...I won't" she mumbled.

"I have to show you something" she said, we were both soaked, but frankly I didn't care. Slowly she rolled up her sleeves and my eyes filled with tears.

I brought her arms to my lips and kissed it gently. Then I brought her lips to mine.


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