Chapter thirteen

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That's the hoodie Sagittarius got.

I woke up and immediately felt a pang in my heart, the bed was empty. Jason made me leave last night and go home. The bullet was a inch off from his major organs.

So, to take my mind off of everything, Eliz and Mitch are giving me my birthday present.

After a shower, I walked downstairs and a little box sat at the foot of the couch.
"Open it!" I was immediately tackled in a hug by Eliz.

Hesitantly I walked to the box and pulled the ribbon, a little puppy sprang from inside and immediately started licking me.

"Awwww!" I squealed.
"What're you going to name her?" Mitch asked
"Lady" I said holding her up. She was a red golden retriever. She licked my face repeatedly.

I set her down and immediately she ran to the bowl of dog food Eliz and Mitch had bought.

My phone rang and Eliz tossed it to me. Sage the caller ID read, a flood of anger ran through my body but I answered anyway.

"Sagittarius....please....come" she was breathing very heavily, despite everything going on she's still my best friend.

I hung up and ran to my car.

When I arrived at Tyler's house tears flooded my vision. Her stuff was in the yard.

Hesitantly I knocked on the door and a very angry Tyler answered. He motioned down the hall to the spare bedroom. I knocked and Sage answered, her eyes red and tear tracks lined her cheeks.

Sage closed the door and fell on the bed.

"What's going on?" I asked
"I-I'm p-p-p-pregnant" she immediately started crying again.
"Ok..shh, it's ok" I wrapped my arms around her and she cried into my shoulder.
"I-I've known for a-a while" she sobbed
"Why is Tyler mad?"
"I-I don't k-know"
"I'm going to talk to him, stay here"

I got up before she could protest and found Tyler clenching his fists repeatedly.

"Why are you mad?" I asked softly leaning again the wall with my arms crossed.
"She didn't tell me" he said through gritted teeth.
"Maybe because she feared you'd react like this"
"Sagittarius this isn't your business"
"She's my best friend, of course it's my business"
"Fine you think it's your business, you find a place for her to live, because it won't be here" he stood up and turned to walk away, I'd had enough.

I grabbed him by the shoulder and punched him in the jaw, he fell to the ground instantly.

"Listen here" I said squatting down to his level "you guys had a kid, it's your fault because you didn't use protection. You need to man up and support her and your child"

He stood up with his hand on his jaw. After rolling his neck a few times he took a deep breath.

"For a girl you've got a killer right hook" Tyler said, I smiled as he went outside and started moving her stuff back inside.

Sage came from the room and wiped her eyes.

"What did you do?" She chuckled
"Let's just say, it took a good punch in the jaw to get him set straight again" she hugged me and helped move the stuff in.

I left and drove to the hospital.

When I went into Jason's room he was asleep. I crept over to his bed and kissed his cheek, he stirred a little and opened his eyes.

"Hey" he said weakly
"Hi" was all I could manage.

Jason cupped my face and slightly leaned up, softly pressing his lips to mine. When we pulled apart our foreheads rested together. We sat there for a long time until there was a knock on the door.

I walked over and opened it. The doctor stood with a smile on his face.

"Hi Dr. Doris. It isn't my first time seeing you" I chuckled letting him in.
"Hello miss. Dean" he walked over to Jason's bedside and did a few tests, drew some blood.

He was about to walk out when he stopped at the doorway and looked back at us.

"The universe really doesn't want you guys together" he said, then walked out.

I sighed and Jason grabbed my hand.
"Sage is pregnant" I blurted out, his eyes widened but he didn't say anything.

A few hours later a nurse came in.
"Visiting hours are over" she said
"Can you get Dr. Doris please?" I asked, she nodded and moments later he appeared.

"Is there anyway you could bend the rules and let me stay here?" I asked, hopeful. He did a few checks and nodded.

When he left I walked to the large window in Jason's room and looked out over the illuminating city. Bright lights dotted the buildings.

"Hey, Sagittarius?" Jason said, I swiveled around to see him looking at me.
"I love you"

He...he what?!

"No, you're fucked up on meds, you're delusional"
"But I'm not. I know what I'm talking about" I let out a breath I'd been holding.
"I love you too, Jason"

He smiled and patted the spot next to him. Hesitantly I climbed onto the small hospital bed with him and got in a comfortable position, falling asleep almost instantly.

Dr. Doris's p.o.v
So I let the girl stay. She's had it rough.

The next morning I walked in Mr. Probst's room to the usual tests and found miss. Dean curled up next to him.

These two are going to make it. I thought to myself, then I left without doing the tests as not to disturb the two.


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