Chapter twelve

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I yawned rolling over and fell off the bed.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone yelled. I screamed and I sat up straight.
"I hate you guys" I mumbled standing up and walking into the bathroom.

After my shower I walk out of the bathroom to get a cake shoved in my face.
"I JUST GOT OUT OF THE SHOWER!" I yelled over their laughter. I slammed the door and washed my face.

When I came out again the room was empty. I made my way downstairs, there was a pile of presents on the coffee table.
"Ugh, seriously guys!" I whined, Adam guided me to the couch and forced me to sit down.

These are the presents I got
Adam: a copy of ARTHAS (world of Warcraft book)
Ty: a new hoodie (I'll put it in the next chapter)
Quentin: some scented candles
Ian: a slick pair of shades and new boots
Tyler: a beanie and a flower vase
Jason: I'd get it later

I smiled at the scented candles and lit the apple cinnamon ones. The sweet aroma of cinnamon flooded my bedroom.

I closed my eyes and meditated. Clearing my mind of all negative thoughts and feelings.

A loud knock interrupted my meditation.
"What?!" I snapped, the door opened to reveal Jason.
"Sorry. I was going to ask you if you wanted to...I don't know, hang out tonight, just us?"
"A date?" I asked, quite surprised actually.
"Yeah. A date"

I nodded, he gave a shaky smile and left.

Jason's p.o.v
"You've grown grasshopper" Ian said as I walked past his room.
"Shut it" I muttered.

~That night~
I took a deep breath and looked in the mirror, nothing to fancy, nicer jeans, t-shirt, sneakers. Nothing to over the top, it was a simple picnic, in the park, watching the sunset.

Sagittarius was talking to Eliz downstairs. Her and Eliz have grown quite close, she's the only girl Sagittarius gets to talk to, something is going on with her and Sage, I'm surprised Sage got her anything for her birthday.

When I went downstairs, gosh. All I could do is stare, she was beautiful(outfit above)

"Ready to go?" She said cheerfully, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Mitch p.o.v
I watched Jason's car drive away, I smiled wickedly.

Jerome and I were going to follow them and see what happens. Signalling Jerome we got in my car and drove a car behind Jason and Sagittarius.

When they pulled up at the park I parked the car across the street. They pulled out a blanket and a picnic basket.

A few minutes later, the sun had long gone down and a man was walking towards them. I thought nothing of it until he pulled out a gun and shot Jason in the stomach.

Sagittarius was hauled off in his car, Jerome was immediately at Jason's side while I followed the car.

Jason's p.o.v
"I had fun" I smiled at her
"So did I, by the way. Who made those sandwiches?! They were freaking amazing" I chuckled at this.
"Adam did, apparently he's 'the sandwich king'."
She started laughing. Then a sharp pain seared through my stomach and everything went blurry.

Sagittarius's p.o.v
I couldn't fight back, his grip on me was too tight.

When he threw me in his truck I kicked and screamed.
"Timothy how the fuck did you get out?!" I yelled when I realized I couldn't get out.
"Bail, sweetie"

I huffed and looked in the rearview mirror, Mitch's car was behind us.
He probably doesn't even know I'm in here I thought to myself.

Jerome's p.o.v
"911 what is your emergency?" The lady asked on the end of the line.
"My friend just got shot in the stomach" I frantically said.
"Is he alright?"
"Sir we need you to calm down, tell us your name"
"Jerome Acceti"
"Ok, Mr. Acceti, please stay calm, what is your friends name?"
"Jason Probst"
"How did he get shot?"
"He was on a date with my other friend Sagittarius, uh in the park. Her ex showed up and shot Jason then took Sagittarius, my friend Mitch is following her ex right now"
"What are your friends last names?"
"Sagittarius Dean and Mitchell Hughes"
"An ambulance and police are on the way. The roads near you are being blocked off"
"Thank you"

In a few minutes police offers surrounded me and Jason was taken to the hospital.

Sagittarius's p.o.v
I saw red and blue flashing lights and my heart leapt in joy. The roads were blocked off and Timothy was forced out of the truck.

When they saw me they asked my name and I was taken to the police station along with Mitch.

They asked a whole bunch of questions and I explained everything.

After they let Mitch and I go, Jerome called.

"Hey biggums" Mitch said when he answered the phone, you couldn't hear what Jerome was saying though.
"She's, fine, just shaken up"
"I completely forgot!"
"We'll be right there"

He hung up and ushered me into the car.

"Sagittarius, wake up" I slowly opened my eyes to see the hospital lights shining at me.

Mitch opened the door for me and I got out, I don't like hospitals.

"Jason Probst" Mitch said to the lady at the counter.
"284" she smiled, Mitch led me through the hallways and when we found his room, my heart dropped.

"Hey Jason" I said quietly when I walked in. Jerome was at his bedside, they were watching some cooking show on t.v.

Jason switched off the t.v. and his face lit up when he saw me.
"We'll leave you two alone" Jerome said and he pulled Mitch into the hallway, softly closing the door.

"I was so worried" Jason said weakly.
"You got shot, I was more worried about you"

There was a short comfortable silence.
"Why doesn't the universe want us together?" I asked looking up at him from my seat.
"Because, the universe is jealous that it can't have you, only I can"

Crazy chapter huh?

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