|Chapter Thirteen| - A Headache

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Brielle woke up by falling off the couch. She shook her head and laid on the hardwood floor for a moment as she tried to collect her thoughts. The right side of her head was pounding because it hit the floor before anything else.

"Are you ok?"

Brielle looked up and saw Ryanne standing over her.

"Yeah. I fell." Brielle said. She felt her cheeks heat up. Why did she have to act like an idiot?

Ryanne laughed. "I heard a thump and wanted to make sure everything was ok. I'm goin' out for a run. Care to join?"

Brielle frowned. "Running is not my thing." She said.

Ryanne smiled. "I made it my thing. Comes with my job." She said.

Brielle nodded. "I'm glad someone enjoys it." She said.

Ryanne grabbed her shoes from the doorway. "Well I'm out. Don't stay on the floor too long." She said, walking out of the house.

Brielle sat up and grabbed her phone from the coffee table. Her head still hurt but she tried to ignore it.

Brielle saw her mom had sent her a text.

Hi, Brie. How are you? Is the family nice? Remember to mind your manners. Yes ma'am, please, thank you, etc. Don't embarrass this family more.

Brielle rolled her eyes. She didn't respond. Instead, she got up and grabbed her school work she had been given so she wouldn't fall behind in her classes.

Her stomach rumbled, reminding Brielle that she hadn't ate since the plane ride the day before. She figured Mrs. Blake would be up soon and then she'd ask her about breakfast.


Brielle sat down at the table. Her head was still pounding. Quinn sat down and refused to return Brielle's smile. Brielle bit her lip. What was his problem?

Ryanne had returned an hour ago and helped her mom finish making breakfast. Beth had left already. Brielle's stomach turned.

She pushed her plate back. "Where's the bathroom?" She asked, her voice shook.

"Down the hall and to the left." Mr. Blake said.

Brielle got out of her chair, fast as a lightning bolt, and ran down the hallway. She heard a crash and assumed it was from her shoving her chair back so quickly. The little bit she had already eaten that morning came back up.

Once Brielle thought she was finished, she sat against the wall and shut her eyes. "Dammit." She whispered to herself. She hated being sick.

Ryanne knocked on the bathroom door. "Brielle? You ok?" She asked.

"Yeah." Brielle said unconvincingly.

"Alright. Just makin' sure." Ryanne said, clearly not convinced.

Brielle was going to respond, but another wave of nausea hit her. This time, nothing came up. The only thing Brielle hated more than throwing up was dry heaving.

The Blake family sat around the table. Quinn crunched on his toast. Ryanne looked at her younger brother. "Quinn, have you talked to Brielle at all?" She asked.

"No, why?" Quinn asked sharply. No one needed to about their conversation the night before. Mrs. Blake shot him a look.

"Just wondering." Ryanne said, turning her attention to her bagel. The rest of the family did the same and began eating.

Brielle once again leaned against the wall. It wasn't long before she heard laughter coming from the kitchen. She smiled weakly. At least they felt ok.

Brielle pushed herself off the ground and washed her hands. She rinsed her mouth and splashed some water on her face.

Brielle turned the door knob and walked back into the living room where her bags still sat. She dug through one and pulled out her toothbrush and toothpaste. She could still taste everything that came up and it wasn't a pleasant taste.

After brushing her teeth, she entered the kitchen. "Are you ok dear?" Mrs. Blake asked.

Brielle nodded. "I think so." She said, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Alright. If you feel up to eating, go ahead. If not, I understand." Mrs. Blake said.

Brielle sat down at the table where her untouched food was. She picked up a piece of toast and began to eat.

"I need to be heading out." Mr. Blake announced. He kissed Mrs. Blake on the lips, and then the tops of Ryanne and Quinn's heads. A smile is all Brielle gets.

"Well, I was thinking that you and Brielle could go out today and you could show her around." Mrs. Blake said to Quinn.


"What do you think Brielle?" Mrs. Blake asked.

Brielle shrugged. "I don't care." She turned to Quinn. "If you want to." She said quietly.

"Alright." Quinn mumbled.

"Do you have any pain medication?" Brielle asked suddenly.

Mrs. Blake looked shocked at her question. "Of course I do." She said.

"Can I have some? I fell off the couch this morning and banged my head really hard. I think my headache caused me to be sick." Brielle explained.

"I'll go grab it." Ryanne said.

Brielle looked back at her plate. The bacon sitting on it didn't look appetizing but the second piece of toast did. She picked it up and began to eat.

Brielle's butt vibrated, signaling a text. She pulled out her phone and looked to see who it was from.

What a mistake you are.

Brielle bit her lip as she checked the contact.


-Authors Note-

It's shorter than I wanted but whatever. I'll update again soon...hopefully.

~Alainna~ ❤️

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