Authors Note, Sequel Information, and Dedication

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So. How'd you like the ending?

Is anyone confused?

If so, go back and reread Chapter 8. You'll find in it a plot hole that I created intentionally so the ending could happen the way it did. I used a bit of irony because you should've known what was going to happen long before Brielle did.

I love being evil...and creative.

Anyway, I hope all of my readers are well and I'm thankful you stuck with me.
So...will there be a sequel?


It's titled 'A Flawed Success' and is already posted on my page. Be sure to go add it to your library because Brielle's story...and Quinn's...are far from over. The first chapter will be posted on December 1st.

I'm excited and hope you are as well.
Now...that thing all authors do and hate trying to put into words.

The dedication.

I guess it's a bit informal to dedicate a book to not one, but two people...but since when have I ever followed the rules?

Trick question. I don't.

(Just kidding.)

Anyway, first off, I've got to dedicate it to the young lady I based Ella off.

Music_Lover6895, aka, one of the nicest and most perfect people on this planet. In every scene that Ella was in, I found myself thinking, "What would she do?" I tried to incorporate all of my friend into Ella...although Ella is a slight bit spunkier.

Not much, though.

Secondly, this is dedicated to a beautiful person who's Wattpad name is UniqueRosePetals12. No, they didn't have a character but I can always count on them to bring a smile to my face when I'm sad and they've never complained about my endless ranting about minor things.

Without either of the two people above, my writing would exist. I'm thankful for friends like them. Love you both!

Well, I believe I've covered everything. Stay beautiful!

- Alainna ♡

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