|Chapter Twenty Two| - A Song and An Introduction

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Quinn sat down at his small study desk. Engraved into the wood were the words 'I will sing.' He loved singing. He loved writing songs. Quinn dreamed of being a musician.

Quinn flipped open his little song book. He had begun writing a song for Brielle. He wanted to play it for her when, and if, she came back to Mullingar.

I'm sorry if I say I need ya,

But I don't care, I'm not scared of love,

'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker,

Is that so wrong? Is it so wrong?

Quinn frowned. He needed one more line to be able to complete the chorus. "Ryanne!" He called.

He sister appeared in his doorway within seconds. She was smiling widely. "Yeah?"

"C'mere, I need your help." Quinn said.

Ryanne read over the lryics. "'Cause you make me strong.'" She said. Quinn smiled. It was perfect. Brielle made him strong and her made her strong. "Is this for Brielle?" Ryanne asked.

Quinn's cheeks turned a scarlet red. "Yeah." He mumbled shyly.

"Aw!" Ryanne cooed. "You're writing a song for her!" She squealed.

"A song for who?" Mrs. Blake asked as she walked by.

"Quinny is all grown up! He's writing a song for Brielle! He's so whipped!" Ryanne exclaimed.

"That's adorable!" Mrs. Blake cooed.

A pirecing ring went through Quinn's room. "That's my laptop." He said. "Don't mention anything about the song to Brielle." He said as he answered the Skype call.

"Hi!" Brielle said.

"Hi!" Ryanne and Mrs. Blake yelled in harmony.

Brielle laughed. "Hi, Ryanne. Hi, Clodagh."

"Call me mum." Mrs. Blake said.

Brielle laughed again. "Alright, mom."

"Not gonna speak to me?" Quinn teased.

"Hi, Quinn." She said in a monotoned voice.

Quinn rolled his eyes. "What are you up to?"

"Well, I should be doing homework but I said the heck with it." Brielle shrugged. "What about you guys?"

"Quinn's writing a- mmph." Quinn slapped a hand over Ryanne's mouth. Brielle raised her eyebrows.

"I'm writing a, um, story for school and it's terrible. I don't want anyone but the teacher seeing it." Quinn lied.

Brielle nodded, unconvinced. "M'kay." She said slowly.

"Brielle, are your parents around? I'd love to meet them." Mrs. Blake asked.

Brielle frowned. "They're home but they don't really like the fact I'm dating Quinn and sometimes they're not the nicest people." She said.

Mrs. Blake shook her head. "They can't be that bad."

Brielle shrugged and left to go get her parents. Quinn glared at his sister. "Really?" He mumbled. Ryanne smiled innocently.

"Have you met her parents, Quinn?" Mrs. Blake asked.

"Yeah, mum. Her dad didn't seem to like me very much. He doesn't much of a sense of humor."

Mrs. Blake laughed. "He's a very famous business man, or I've heard. He's probably a very nice man but also very stressed." She said. Quinn shrugged.

Brielle walked downstairs in her house and into the kitchen where her parents were...right into a war zone.

Her brother, Hayden, and her sister, Lacey, were screaming at one another. Her mom and dad stood off in the corner, interjecting once and a while. Brielle watched for a minutes before deciding to intervene.

"Hey!" She said loudly.

Hayden looked at her. "What do you want?" He sneered. Brielle sighed.

"I need to talk to mom and dad." She said as calmly as she could.

"Yeah, and so do we. Go back to your room. I don't want some of your slut and some of your stupidity coming off on me." Hayden snapped.

Lacey glared at her oldest sibling. "Why are you so rude all the damn time?!" She yelled.

Hayden turned to her. "I'm not talking to you. Shut up!" He said loudly.

"No!" Lacey yelled. "I won't! I'm sick and tired of everyone being so rude to Brie! She made a mistake! Get the heck over it! People make mistakes all the time! We're all human! Besides, Hayden, you're not a clean soul either. How many girls have you slept with in the past week? Don't answer that, mom will have a heart attack.

"My point is, this is stupid. Mom, dad, you two always say forgive and forget. Well it's time we as a family do that." Lacey finished.

Brielle looked at her sister. "Thank you." She whispered.

Lacey shrugged. "I'm your sister. I'll always love you." She said.

Mr. and Mrs. Blackwell nodded. "We're sorry, Brie." Mrs. Blackwell said.

Hayden scoffed. "Whatever, I'm out." He said before walking out of the living room and out of the house.

"Well then. What did you need, Brie?" Mr. Blackwell asked.

"I'd like you three to meet Quinn's family. They're on Skype right now." Brielle said, dreading her parents reactions. They weren't very nice when they met Quinn.

"Let's go. We need to apologize to Quinn for how we acted when we met him." Mrs. Blackwell said.

The family walked upstairs and into Brielle's room. Her laptop was still on and Quinn's family was talking about something.

"I'm back!" Brielle sang.

Quinn smiled. "Took you long enough." He said. Mrs. Blake smacked him on the head teasingly.

"Be nice." She scolded.

"Mom, dad," Brielle began, "this is Quinn's mom, Mrs. Blake, and his sister, Ryanne."

She turned to her sister. "Lacey, this is Quinn." She said.

"You're cute." Lacey stated simply. Mrs. Blackwell laughed and Brielle blushed.

"She's very blunt." Mr. Blackwell spoke.

"Hey, it's the truth!" Quinn defended.

"Keep telling yourself that, darling." Brielle said. Quinn glared at her.

Mrs. Blackwell focused on Mrs. Blake. "I'm Tess, and this is my husband, Alexander. It's wonderful to meet you. Brie speaks highly of your family."

Mrs. Blake laughed. "It's wonderful to meet you both. Please call me Clodagh. My husband, Aedan, is at work but I'm sure he'd love to meet you both at some point." She said.

Brielle looked at Quinn and smiled. For once, everything seemed to be ok.

Short chapter...sorry.

Yes, I'm aware those lyrics are not my own. They're from One Direction's song, 'Strong.' No copyright infringement intended. I don't own the song...I just enjoy listening to it. :)

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