Chapter 8: Cyan vs Scarlet

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Redshore, 11th Street, 01:18 AM

A man carrying a rapier was sitting down in one of the long chairs, his straight black hair start to get damp by the trapped air of the underground room. A girl with bright red hair and a tall muscular teenage was also waiting.

"Alright, backup will arrive shortly." He talk to the two as put his phone back to his coat's pocket. Then his other hand reach another pocket in his lower area, a cigar.

The two younger one in his side was asking. "Fahmir~ I'm getting sleepy.. Are everything done?" He ask. The one which was smoking put the tobacco in his hand before he respond.

"It is. My vision are turned out to being related with this cult. Since we come earlier, unnecessary murder case and the upcoming massacre in 16th September can be prevented." He give the info she need, then put his smoke back to his mouth. "All we need is to wait for Noir and Almerich." He speak a bit, with the cigs still on mouth.

As the talk was done for, the girl yawn due to her sleepiness, and maybe boredom. "Gourd, could I sleep in your shoulder?" She ask. The big man did not speak and just nod. Definitelly, sleeping on his tough muscular body isn't the best choice to sleep, but she already want to close her eyes, wherever it is, and whatever the cushion is.

Gourd speak slowly. "Don't worry Laya. Tomorrow, you could took the evening shift. We, Mirage unit, are after all, free to chose our shift. Especially if in the previous day, we took a night mission." He explaining in his low, constant tone, about their textbook basics. Talking in long verse isn't his speciality, but sometimes, he must speak.

The lady doesn't seems to react. She ignore the fun fact she already often heard, and just prepared for a slumber. For about a minute, it goes like that. Then, a loud screaming wake her up.

"Boss Fahmir!! It's me!!"

His voice so high-pitched for a male, nearly reaching the pitch of girl. While not as high as the loud Laya, it's enough to warn all living being in the large chamber. It's definitelly a young boy, and Fahmir know who it is.

"Danny? What happened?" He stand up and reach for the boy. "You're... is this your blood?" Fahmir's expression turn pale. The boy shook his head fast.

"It's Noir.... He... He's Dying!!"

That short sentence bring fear to the group. They open their eyes in reaction of the unbelivable report of the child.


About one hour ago...

Redshore, 15th Street, 00:35 AM

"You're not a vampire...?", voice echoing. Someone speak aloud in that night.

The one which asked was smiling. "Correct. This is just a false image that I create in order to persuade the vampires. It's only a deception." He answer to the silver haired boy.

Noir want to deny, as the eyes that he see is red. But he afraid it will offended Almerich, as his eyes also red. Doing so make it sound like everyone with red eyes should be vampire.

"Ohhh.. About the eyes?" Varain speak again, he totally get me. Facing to the direction of the two, letting light expose his face. "It's just a trick... watch this."

The two SPD unit focus their eyes on his eyes, his pupils. It wasn't so visible, but his eyes clearly red by last few minutes ago. Yet now, suddenly, his eye color change from crimson red to the gradation of yellow and gold. The eyes of a tiger.

Crossing Illusion: Reflection (Book 1) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now