Chapter 18: Bulletproof

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"Who just opened the door!?" The criminals ask as they point the gun; an assault riffle.

The two teenage were rather surprised, but react none by the fact they pointed their gun to them. "Ahhh so this is why I had a bad feeling... A lowlife criminal scum do their things again. The security here must be suck." Noir commented, didn't regard at all to the treat in front of his eye.

"What the fuck... kids, who the hell told you to go here? Where's the police!?" One man with a common terrorist black mask was asking. "Maybe those guys chickening out, and this boys wanna play a hero!" Another man with a plastic tiger mask speak.

"Not sure.. So, what you guys want? A simple bank robbery, or asking for a million dollars ransom with hostages as the stake? Either way, you better surrender or get your ass kicked." Noir trying to negotiate, definitely did not expect for them surrender. "Who the fuck you think you are!?" one man with gas mask asked.

"We? We're hellhound to send you down into the pits of sole regret. You better beg to the police, because we don't compromise like them. We're SPD, Mirage Division." Noir introduce their identity. "I'll be considerate and give you guys a chance..." He speak again. "If you actually surrender without any resistance, I may consider turn you guys unharmed. How about it?"

The taunt only add gasoline to a furnace, as they prepare the gun and shoot them. However, all the bullets hit at nothing, yet bounce back and fall down as seems it hit an invisible wall. Of course, normal eye could not see that there are a barricade of phantom blade in the way.

"What the.. Don't play trick on us!!" They fire all the round, deafening clickers of repetitive typewriters sound heard, attracting the civilians outside, while they seen that the two boys stand still in front of the fire barrage. "The hell happening here!?" One of the terrorist scream as he pull the trigger all the way.

They keep pushing, causing clicking noise again albeit no bullet come. "Satisfied?" Noir ask. The robber stare at them in confusion. The crowd watch from afar, some seems listening to the whole scene.

"SPD? Isn't they the special polices who investigate ghost, monsters, or psycho murderers?"

"Wait... I heard they had some kind of powers... I can't believe they're right! Look at them, stand against bullets like it's a pebbles against armored tank!"

"Holy mother... this is the scoop of the day!! Gotta post it on the web!!"

The crowd start to get out of control, gossip heard from around. "Didn't Fahmir said we can't use our power in public?" Almerich glance at the man. "This is emergency. After all, public only see us as special talented force. They probably think we're psychic or something." Noir leisurely put his hand on the back. It's true, because Phantasm are like supernatural ability or such, that require a certain gift or capability in order to be seen. Such as sixth sense, unique gift, or individual with the same level of capability as them.

Almerich nod, but seems didn't like all the attention around. "Come on Noir, let's just finish this peasant already." He definitely not in the mood for such thrive, as it suppose to be their free day. "You..." One of the terrorist in tiger mask was agitated, pull a knife and dash. "Don't you underestimate me, you little punk-"

Without waiting, Almerich swipe his hand and toss him at the glass layers until he crash the brick, create slight crack in wall and probably a more severe crack in his backbone. "Anyone else?" Almerich asked nicely.

The masked terrorist look at each other, their eyes seems arguing at each other until an agreement formed. When they got just a little chance, they throw smoke bomb and escape while it provide them cover. They know just who they up against, and decide to retreat instead getting butchered, either literary or not.

Crossing Illusion: Reflection (Book 1) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now