Chapter 33: Brief Peace

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A silver haired boy walk into a rather-good looking apartment, and he know that it must be quite expensive compared to the one that he use.

He walk up the staircase and get into the fourth floor, room 027, where his dear friend live.

Inside, a black haired boy sleep tight in his bed, covering himself with thick furry blanket to keep himself warm. He definitely still need rest even though it's already two days after the previous incident on Blightsmire, especially since he push himself too hard that he even do a Power Release.

Then a knock heard from the room. The boy grunt and feeling really annoyed since he still need a rest, but once he hear the voice coming in, then he know that he must open the door. It's Noir.

"Hold on, I'll open the door." He slowly get up as he speak, trying to find where his slipper is, then heading to the door. As he slide the lock to the right, the silver-haired boy stand in front of him now, bringing a pack of plastic bag that seems to be foods. "Hey! Felt better already?" He asked.

Almerich rub his hair, and realize that he's having a messy bed hair. Surely Noir won't mind though. "Of course. Not like I'm ill or something. I just need a rest." He goes inside the room, allowing Noir to enter as well then lock the door again. "So, do you bring me something? Please don't tell me it's some raw material that I need to cook for you." He walk into the center of the room, where there is a short round table with soft carpet below, designed for people to sit down without a chair.

"Don't worry, it's something nice! Tadaa!!" He enthusiastically take out a pastel-colored box from the bag with "Sugardad's Cream Cake" on the top. Almerich's eye widened, made his red eyes slightly glow as the sunlight reach inside. Sugardad is a popular cake franchise that's currently being the hot seller among teenage due to their light and soft cake flavor, but had tasteful sweetness of fruit jam and multiple layer of various cream inside, then finished with artistic and pleasing colorful homemade syrup that became their signature. Surely, he took time and effort to get one, and it's not cheap.

"Noir, did you waste all of your monthly wage for this?" Noir look at the delicious cake, which happened to be his favorite food, but hesitant to eat such fancy dish when his buddy sacrifice so much for it. "No thank you for me?" Noir smiled and push the cake forward. Almerich trying to find a word, stroking his cheek, but think he need to show his gratitude first. "I mean, thank you for this, but I don't want you to waste your money for me."

Noir then go on and take two small plastic fork from the bag for them to eat. "Hey, I'm not that poor, okay? Beside, this is weekend, so Sugardad had 50% discount for the first ten customer. I didn't manage to get the 50% discount, but they gave 25% off for the whole purchase today anyway." Noir go on and take a bite. "At first I wanna gave you the famous Strawberry Insanity cake that cost 18 euro if I get the fifty percent discount, but since I only got the twenty five, I get the Cloudy Vanilla Heaven which cost 15 euro." Noir trying to explain the price and his plan to persuade Almerich on eating it without any hard feeling.

Normally, he could just buy the shortcake that cost less than 10 euro, but he instead choose a medium one worth about four shortcake, that cost about three shortcake. Of course, it's more economical to buy medium since they want to eat together.

"That's not so expensive. Alright, we eat it together then." Almerich smiled and take a bite. The soft spongy cake with many layer of cream melt in his mouth, and simply eating one will made you salivating on the next time you see the cake again. It's really delicious, especially since Almerich love cakes. "This is really good!" He dig in happily, and it made his friend to be happy himself.

Crossing Illusion: Reflection (Book 1) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now