Am I dreaming!?

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Crystals POV

I just got off from work and had a massive head ache. I have to get out of the way I work as a babysitter. Not as awesome and easy as most people think it is especiall when your babysitting the Johnsons! Their kids are just trouble makers and don't care about anything. Anyways when I got home I was about to go upstairs to my room when....

Heyyyyy Crystal how was work???!!!! said my annoying lil sister. I know a lot of people say their little sister is annoying but rlly don't mean it all the time but mine is! She always has t know everything....every single detail about my life and whats going on. But I didn't feel like fighting so.

Exhausting...I hade to watch to Johnsons kids :( *Fake cried*

HAHAHAHAHHA......welll anyways she said still chuckling -_- You got mail. 

I just shrugged, I was about to try to go up to my room when!

Oh and you got a letter from that college in London.

I jut froze...I was scared , nervous, anxious and felt like I was going to throw up. That has been my dream college since I was a little kid. I ran to the living room where she had said she left it. I found it so I opened it. INCH

When I finall managed to get it open it said

Dear Miss Love,

           We have accepted you 

I didnt even read the rest I just started to jump up and down like a crazy person! I couldn't believe that I CRYSTAL LOVE was going to go to my dream college!!!!!!!!!!!! I wondered if this day could get any better

Im sorry this chapter didnt have Niall or One Direction in it but don't worry they'll be in it soon!!!! I am also sorry if it sucks liek I said its my first any tips? 

That would be rlly nice if yall could help me!? 


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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2013 ⏰

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