chapter 3-who are those guys?

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he alarm clock goes off. "BEEP-BEEP! BEEP-BEEP!" It yells in my ear. 6:30 On the dot to go to the hell hole I call school. "BEEP-BEEP! BEEP-BEEP!" my alarm clock yells again. "fuck man shut up already!" I moan hitting the dismiss button. I stood up from bed and headed to the bathroom. I wondered what the hell was wrong with my mom yesterday but shit , it's not like she was gonna tell me anything. I peered over the mirror and washed my face and brushed my teeth. I hopped in the shower and freshened up. I felt in my spirit that today wasnt going to go well. I woke up mad and irrited for some apparent reason. just angry but honestly I dont know why. I walked out the shower with a towel around my waist and wiped a circle on the foggy mirror to look at myself. "you's a trill nigga" I nodded and smirked a little. "BOOM BOOM!" The door banged. "zay zay open!" her voice screeched. It was my 3 year old sister Olivia. "Wassup baby girl?" I asked "lemme In!" she knocked again. I opened the door and looked down on her when she just hugged me out of the blue. "good morning beautiful." I smiled "morning" I picked her up and she hugged me. "Can you make me breakfast?" She asked. "mommy still sleep?" Olivia nodded with her held tilted on my neck. "of course I'll make you breakfast". I walked downstairs with olivia and started some water for her oatmeal. "you stay here, I have to get dressed quick" I instructed.I walked back upstairs and threw on my muscle shirt and a blue "Im 4rm compton hoodie with white jeans and black vans. I put gel in my hands and rubbed them threw my hair. When I heard Olivia yell out. " Isaiah The water is ready!" I smiled at my reflection in the mirror and walked downstairs to my baby sister. I fixed her oatmeal and sat it on the table when she started eating, "well I have to go to school so be good with ma." I told her and kissed her on her forehead. "okay" She responded. "I love you Olivia." "I love you too zay zay". I walked out and headed to school. soemthing told me It wasnt gonna be poppin today, I just didnt know what. I thought everything was cool because My girl was here with me. Speaking of Treasure, here she comes now with her sexy ass. "hey" she smiled and kissed my lips. "wassup" I nodded. I grined at the necklace she was wearing that I gave her on our annerversary. "you feeling yourself today huh?" I asked. "hell yeah" she bither lip looking at me. I grabbed her waist and we both headed to the cafe. we got to the counter and I was about to buy treasure something for breakfast but got side tracked when I looked from the corner of my eye. You know that feeling that someone is staring at you from somewhere but you just dont know where? well that's until you actually feel them eyeing you down. Nigga im telling you the left side of my face was burning up! I peeked over a little just to find what looked like 10 oled guys all dressed in black. I mean they had to be about 40 at the youngest. They had the meanest look on their faces and tatts everywhere. Im talking tear drops right below the eye, which symolized in blood terms theyve killed people. I looked back at them but kept turning away because it just made things awkward, I mean it's bad enough I feel like they want to bust a move on a nigga but My senses aint that fast. "Isaiah! Uhm.. Isaiah!" Treasure said snapping her fingers trying to get my attention. "Im sorry baby, What?" :"they need your money" she reminded. I pulled out my wallet and put a 5 on the counter for the lady and left. "you okay?" treasure asked as we were walking away. "Im fine" I Nodded. Knowing Treasure, she will ask 20 questions until she gets the full story so I might as well tell her what was up. " those guys over there" I began "dont look at them though" I instruct but of course she looks anyway, as if my words mean a damn thing to her. "Treasure!" i whispered loudly and clinched my jaw. "what?" she asked. "I told you not to look!" I hid my face. "oh my bad, but continue." I took a deep breath before speaking again. "they kept eyeing me out of everyone in the cafe. As if they kow me or they wanna do something" I nodded and propped back in my chair. "want me to go talk to them?" She asked. "fuck no... I dont know if they might give you the same treatment." I sighed. "well I got your back baby. Dont forget that" I leaned over on the table and held her hands. "I wont Treasure" I smiled and kissed her. Just then the bell rang it was time for 3rd period. I rushed to that class as ready could be, haha not really, I just wanted to get those beaners off my ass. "alright class take your seats" Mrs. Carter directed and we all plowed down. I sat to my best friend jorden and he nodded at me. "Real nigga wassup?" he asked ."nothing but the damn sky, trying to get out this hell hole." Jorden laughed at what I said and put his hand in the hair. "Halalluah!" He chuckled. "hahah Foo' you crazy!" I chuckled. "but you going to the game tonight?" He asked. "what game?" Shit Why is there always after school events but nobody never tell a homie? fake mofo's at this place. "The football game. "me and Andrea just gone be chilling" > I nodded as if I understood who the fuck andrea was. "and.... Andrea Is?" I asked confused. "my Girl , Rememeber? you and Treasure hooked us up last year. Oh Andrea! The one with the slim waste big ass! My eyes duldged out of my mind. "oh yeah. I remember. but that was treasure friend, not mine" I shrugged. Jorden hit my arm "whatever but we going and you shuld bring yo girl, we got having a party to celebrate us going to the championship!" He jumped up. I did a nod and smirked. "we'll be there" I nodded.

To be continued

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