Chapter 4- thirteen missed calls

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8PM :

3rd qaurter in the game. Tigers vs. Cougers

The score was 44-42. We were losing by two. "man This is bull shit!" I snapped . "tell me about it, this is our home game and these niggas aint repping for shit!" Jorden shook his head. I Looked at Treasure and she was sitting down next to Andrea just talking. "next time Im not coming with her" I nodded my head towards Treasure. She looked up at me and andrea laughed. "ARR?" andrea added. "Not you, This nigga here" I smacked my lips at treasure. She jumped up and punched me. "Nigga my name is Treasure. Get it right Homeboy." she snapped a attitude. "well damn, you aint got to tell me twice." Jorden looked at me and chuckled "HAHA! your girl got you in check..... HOMEBOY!"  "man shut up Because andrea got your ass pussy whipped." I jumped at him. "No, Let's correct I whip andrea with this---" Just then Andrea cut him off. "You whip me with what?" She bobbed her head and did hand gestures. Jorden paused. "NOTHING." He tucked in his lips. "What I Tell you!" I laughed at him. "Pussy whipped Nigga." I looked at Jorden from the corner of my eye and continued laughing. ha this nigga was salty asa fuck. "whatever man Im going to get some nachos!" He walked away. "Get me some.... WITH EXTRA CHEESE!" andrea smiled as Jorden walked off. I looked at the score bored and we The tigers were up by 4 now. The score was now 45- 49. One more point and tigers win the 3rd quarter and will have it all done byu 4th. "lets go TIGERS!" Andrea and treasure jumped up getting excited. I looked at the clock and it was 10 seconds to spare for 3rd quarter. "10 , 9 , 8, 7, " the crowd started cheering when number 22 caught the football and ran to the touch down mark line. "And ... T-O-U-C-H-D-O-W-N-!" Treasure screamed and dapped andrea. "we got it all wrapped up 4th quarter man" Andrea wooted. "that's wassup!" Treasure laughed and I felt that feeling one more time... The hell is going on? I turned to my right to look where the fuck jorden was with them nachos... I looked pass the crowd and there they were again. The guys who were eyeing me at school was at the game.... With about a 50 year old man in a black suit, and fedora hate just smoking a cigar while what looked to be his followers searching around for someone. "are ... Are they following me?" I asked under my breath and Treasure looked up at me from her seat. "baby... you okay?" she asked. I looked at her with a odd look. I dont feel right. "Im fine.." I told her like I usually do. I dont need her to worry.  Just then My phone rang and I pulled it out of my pocket. It was nopw 8:44 and I had 13 missed calls. All from her. the one I titled president in my cell phone, MOM.  Then I saw a message from.... President. "ISAIAH......COME HOME NOW!" I looked up from my phone and the guys were still there just searching for that one person. Before I could have another thought someone snuck up behind me. "aye!" He yelled and I jumped , my turned blood shot red and I looked behind me. "JORDEN YOU ASS!!!" I pushed him. "haha , I got yo scary ass. " he laughed. "the fuck you jumping for?" Andrea asked staring me down like I was crazy... "no reason." I looked at her just catching my breath. "Isaiah... What's wrong?" Treasure asked again. "nothing... I promise." I told her and rubbed her shoulder. She didnt respond."Oh my FUCKING gosh!" andrea  yelled mad but at the same time terrified. "what?" I asked. "jorden, you forgot the fucking nachos! and you know I told ya ass extra cheese."  me and jorden scoffed and threw are hands at her pshhhh...and then the 4th quarter started and  I looked at the guys again when they still searched. "bro, you freaking me out, what are you looking for?" Jorden whispered peeking over my shoulder. " You see those guys over there?" I asked slightly and secretly pointing to the stalkers. "yeah... why?" he asked. "theyve been following me all day even at school and now they're here." Jorden paused and looked a little confused. "They wanna do something or what?" He asked. "I dont know... " I told hima dn he took a beast type breath and walked off teh bleachers ... "J-JORDEN!! WHAT YOU DOING MAN?" I asked.  "you my brother for life... Im protecting you." He said and headed in the direction of The guys. "Fuck" I mumbled and started to chase after him. I finally got near him and hid in the crowd to the point I could hear what Jorden said. "yo, how may I help yall niggas?" He asked In a feirce tone. For some reason I felt as if he was acting hard because usually he's sensitive like a female. I guess when it comes down to it, he's a protector. I peeked over a footballplayer who wasnt playing at the moment and heard the oldest guy speak. "child , these are grown men games. go home" He said In a deep voice the sound of dark vador. "Nah man, if you trying to do shit let's do it! you cant be following my homie around like you know him!" " jorden yelled. "Homie? so you do know this kid?" dark vador asked. "depends on what you want ." Jorden folded his arms and before I knew it The guy pulled a gun out and  held it to jordens forehead. everyone moved out of the way and I started to become more and more visible. my heart started pounding and I was in hell and hot water right now."oh fuck!" I yelled pushing the football player out of my way and grabbed jordens hoodie. I became eye to eye for once with these now 11 grown men for just .2 seconds and I ducked dragging jorden with me as fast as I could. we bomb rushed threw hundreds of people to get to Treasure and Andrea as they started chasing us and gun shots where being fired. "bro can you hear me?" I asked to see if he was shot. "yeah" i nodded. "okay jsut stay with me man. Dont loose the tempo of my voice!"  We hid behind people to get Treasure and Andrea. "we have to go" I grabbed Treasures hand. "what? Why?" She asked. "BOOM BOOM BOOM" Gunshots occured again and The girls screamed as I grabbed both of them . I covered treasure below me so she wouldn't get hurt. "BOOM BOOM BOOM!" "AHHHH " Treasure screamed and everyone started getting down when we made it to a bus just barely closing the doors. when My mom called again. "hello?" I asked loosing my voice. "Isaiah! Are you okay?!" she asked as if she knew something. "Im fine! What is going on!!!!" I yelled. Now I wanted answers.

To be Continued

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