Chapter 11 - fuck fake friends (3f)

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I was still in shock that I got treasure pregnant. "We keep it? " she asked. I just nodded my head. I really didn't know what I could say so I just nodded. She stayed in my arms until I heard a beating at the door. I slowly approached until I heard a beat on the door. Only black people make beats on a door when they're knocking. Figures it was Andrea so I didn't bother looking threw the peep hole. I just opened it and regretted it.

Andrea wasn't who I thought she was. It was actually a hurt Andrea. She wasn't herself.

"What's wrong Drea?" Treasure asked from behind me. For a second I felt sentimental for Andrea until she said why she was mad. Then I got happy and more proud then ever. " I had to leave jorden" she stated. "Haha. Its about time you left his fake bitch ass"I chuckled.

"Isaiah! " treasure yelled. "what? Why would any girl want his crazy ass?" I shrugged. " I thought that was your best friend?" Treasure asked. " I thought so too. But he turned fake on me just like rima did Erica." I shook my head. " what happened?" She asked. "Jorden is the son of one of those guys that are trying to kill me!" I took a sip of soda. Treasure looked at Andrea. "Is that why you left him?" She asked. Andrea nodded.' But that's not why I'm hurt treasure. " I shrugged. "Oh well what happened?" I asked. "I'm.... I'm" for some reason she started turning pink in the face and started to wing out on us. " your what Andrea? " treasure asked. "Pregnant" she whispered and looked down at her feet to avoid our faces.. I guess you can say I made everything awkward by my voice getting a little higher. "Ohhhhhhhh" I looked at treasure and furred my eye brow at her trying to ask if she was going to tell her that she was pregnant too. But she shook her head and just hugged Andrea. " well I'll tell you now. We don't believe in that abortion bull crap" she explained. "I know ... but am I wrong for leaving? " she asked. "Fuck no. Fuck that fake fuck of a nigga and his little fucked up sperm cells. " I yelled and Andrea nodded. "I still hate you but a good hate my nigga "she laughed.

"Trust me... I hate you more" I smiled. Treasure laughed. "Y'all got a screwed up friendship . " me and Andrea shrugged and that was that. " turning the tables a little ... those dudes got my family and treasure on that hitlist. " I told Andrea. " shit... what you gonna do?"

I laughed. "Fight these niggas back" I pulled out the 007 pistol and sat it on my lap. " you know damn well you can't handle no piece. " Andrea laughed. " just watch. " I eyeballed the trigger and rubbed it as if I was evil "and jorden will be the first one down." Treasure looked at me and shook her head. "You serious? " andrea asked "dead ass" I clinched my jaw. "Look... I know he lied but he's your best friend. " treasure tried covering for him "no... not anymore and if he's going to risk my life I'm going to risk his. Brother hood homie" I shrugged. " please don't" Andrea pleaded. I looked up at her and her eyes said she still had her feelings for him. "Please " she begged. "And what am I supposed to do? Say hey buddy. Its okay that you want me dead with your bitch ass dad but I still want to be your friend?"

They both got quiet until treasure added something." No you dont have to do that but Isaiah Do you really wanna go to jail during this point in Our lives? " treasure asked fake holding a baby in her hands to keep it on the DL from Andrea. I looked at her and rolled my eyes. " whatever " I got up and walked out. They know that whenever I say ' whatever ' it means fine .. have it your way. I left the hotel and when down the

Street to a gun parlor. I wasn't about to fight back with just one gun. That's when all the bullets run out and I get screwed over with pistil led up my ass. I think not. I got to the counter and faced a guy that worked here.

"What you need?" The fat tatted guy called out. "I just need a glock. Advanced please." I got specific because these hispanics dont play that kiddie shit. I mean im black but lets not forget im also half hispanic so i know this like the back of my hand. The big guy looked at me "led included? " he asked. "Yeah with extra side bullets in case I run out ..." I instructed. The guy nodded and finally got gave me my price.

" total is $72.56" I pulled out my moms card ( yes my mom has like 4) he swiped it and Gave me the gun and led. "Thanks" I nodded and walked out and back up the street. Shit was realer then it could possibly get. When I hiked Back up to the hotel I found treasure and Andrea just collapsed on the only bed in there. Haha pregnant women these days. But on a serious note I'm not sleeping on the floor. I'm protecting every god damn body so if they think I'm sleeping on a damn carpet they got another thing coming. I picked Andrea up and layed her on the far side of treasure while I layed on the other side of her. I soon went to sleep myself. Shit I'm exhausted from all this and I know they are too.

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