Gunned down! ( finale part 1)

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We got into a cab and drove to the address that was given. It was 2:53 and he were about two miles away from the destination. I peered over the drivers shoulder just to see his GPS and find out our arrival time. It read 3:03pm. "Sir... is there any way you can speed?" I asked. The driver looked in the mirror at me and gave me a look that said " are you going to pay my speeding ticket?" Psh. I can't be late or else I practically killed my mom and sister. " please sir.... I need to save my family." I told him and he continued to ignore. I sat back in the seat by treasure and just mumbled to myself. "Ayoo. Step on it!" Andrea shouted and slapped him upside the head. "Caprende? " she continued. I didn't hear much of a response but I could tell he started speeding.. we got to the place right on time and got out of the cab. We were in the parking lot of a work building. In guessing nobody worked hear because it looked like a old shut down factory. We looked around and found nobody there. "Hello?" Treasure yelled. And no response came. We continued looking around for everybody and didn't see anything . But I sure did hear something. It was a scream. Like a little girl scream. "Olivia! " I yelled and treasure looked around to try and find her. " Andrea try and find my mother and treasure find my sister while I'm looking for these guys " I instructed and we split. We all went into the building and went our separate ways. I followed treasure with a gun in my hand incase someone tried to sneak up on us. "Isaiah" treasure whispered. I looked at here " do you hear that?" She asked. "Hear what?" " it's crying. That's your little sister." She told me and nodded a motion towards a walk-in closet. I eased up on the edge of the door and held the gun close to me. I tried opening the door and it was locked. "Shit" I mumbled and treasure looked down the hall but didn't find anyone. That meant it was safe for me to bust the door down. I backed up a little and then slammed the side of my body against the outside of the door. Just barely breaking it. The door propped opened and my sister had blood all over her. "Zayah!" She cried. I grabbed the 3 year old and hugged her. "You okay? " I asked and kissed her forehead. I put the gun in my pocket. She was scared enough. She was shaken up and wasn't herself. She was still a baby and didn't know what was going on. And then I felt a cold metal on the brink of my neck. Then if clicked. "Back up"the voice said to me. Treasure started crying as she saw how the gun was literally touching me in the middle of my spine. "Go..." I mouthed to her as I slowly backed up with the guy who held the gun on me. She grabbed Olivia and ran ran with her. BANG BANG BANG! The guy shot 3 times and I saw treasure scream and them collapse right there. Just trying to get up. " treasure GO!" I yelled and then pulled my gun back out at the guy as fast as I could. He put his hands up with his gun still in his hands. " come on" I nodded at the door and lead him out with me. I looked over his shoulder and treasure and Olivia were gone. Thank god he didn't shoot them. We got outside and I ran into a truck. " looks like they want your life now" the guy said. I chuckled as a small group of guys rolled up and crowded me " haha you want my life?" I chuckled sarcastically. "Well I'm sure as hell ain't giving it to you . You have to take it" I told them. And I shot the guy the was closest to me with a gun. "One down 4 to go. " I chuckled. I was nervous on the inside because I'm really not with the guns but today was a time I had to. I couldn't let them see I was nervous. Just after there parnter died by my leg they held their guns at me. " calm down.. "I started. " y'all wanna fight? Fight like real men. " I nodded me head and sucked on my bottom lip as if I was a bad ass. "You'll die either way" one guy said to me. "Then if I'll die either way, you shouldn't have a problem putting them guns down." I nodded still holding mine. "You first. " someone said. " bitch I'm not dumb. Put that gun down . " I said in a feirce voice. They slowly started putting their guns down as I did mine too. I kneeled down to the ground to put my gun on the ground and one fucker kept his gun in his hand. BANG! " fuck!!!" I yelled as I dropped to the ground. He got me in my shoulder. "Ahhh!" I inhaled and collapsed on the ground and on my back. Eyes were wide opened when they looked at me to make sure I was dead. I pretended like I was a real actor and held my breath so still that they really thought I was dead. " lets go" a fat balled guy chuckled and they began to walk away. I heard treasures voice and Olivia crying."NOOO!" Treasure screamed and I heard foot steps as if she tried running to me with Olivia in her arms. I stayed laying on the ground when I heard Andrea scream "Treasure nooo!!!" And then I heard a gun cocked multiple times. I slowly crept my eyes in that direction when a guy with short curly hair slapped treasure with a gun. She collasped with Olivia in her arms and andrea ran to her when a guy pulled a knife on her just about to cut her neck opened. "Back back mother fucker!" I yelled as I shot all four of them nice and fast. Andrea fell to the floor and Olivia continued crying. I ran over to them and treasure was about to go blank but I held her in my arms. " get up" I put my face by hers while I hugged Olivia. As soon as treasure began to come to a black van pulled up and my mother came out of it being held by the main guy and his crew . Including jorden. Just when I thought it was over.

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