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Forgive my errors

Hi friends I'm updating two chapters today. I'm dedicating this chapter to my lovely readers.
Love you all for supporting me. Keep supporting.

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I can't believe what I'm hearing. This can't be happening. Is this a dream. I pinched my inner aspect of my left arm. A unbearable pain erupting in my heart. My world has just destroyed after hearing those words.

"He is dead. My older friend died. Mr. Dennis died".

Oh god you are so rude. You took a part of my life. My saviour. How the hell I ll live without him.

"What happened to him". I gathered all my scattered heart and asked my security about my boss.

"Some people said he got MI (cardiac attack)" he said.

I know he is a diabetic patient. More over he never took his medicines properly. That may be the reason for his "silent MI". It's my mistake. I should have taken care of him. Because he lived alone in his apartment. He lost his wife in a car accident four years back. Then his son living somewhere in this world maintaining his business. It's my responsibility.

I held my face in my hand and sat down on the ground. Tears erupting in my eyes but I didn't cry. I gathered all my courage and got up.

"Where is he now???. I asked my security.

"He is not in India mam. His son took him with him today morning at 7:30".

"Where he took???

"I don't know mam".

Oh then I need to ask someone. I thanked him and left my office. Without Mr.Dennis this is not an office anymore. I slowly walked out of the office. My legs were week turning into jellies. I went to a near by public telephone booth and called Charu. May be she know where is Mr. Dennis.

"Ring ,ring ,ring ".

She took the phone after 3 rings.

"Hello ".

"Hello Charu. I'm zoshi here". My voice were weak by suppressing my cry.

"Hey zoshi where the hell are you. I was trying for you from 3am in the morning".

"What from 3am??? Why???"

"Because I got a call from boss chauffeur today morning. He told me that boss passed out today morning".

I was true about my bad sign. Why I didn't think of him. At the same movement. I got that bad sign ,he passed out.

"Zoshi are you there???". Charu asked me.

"Ya ,now where is Mr. Dennis???"

"I don't know his son took him".

"Where the hell he took him??? I yelled in the phone and started crying like a mad child.

"Zoshi , zoshi stop ".

I tried to control my sob . I rubbed my tears with back of my hand.

"Charu I ll call you later".

"Zoshi one second".

"Tell me Charu".

"Our boss tried to call you but what happened to your phone???"

What my phone. I forgot about it. Did he tried to speak to me. Oh my god I'm a looser.

"My phone is dead". With that I cut the call with Charu and went out.

I went to the beach which is opposite to my office. I sat there looking at the sea.

*Flash back *

Me and Mr. Dennis were walking in the beach. Soft breeze of sea mixed with salt caressing my visible body parts. we were walking in silence, then he broke it.

"Zoshi stop crying ".

"How can I Mr. Dennis . He is haunting me".

"Zoshi listen to me dear. You have to come out of that nightmare".

"I tried Mr. Dennis but I couldn't able to succeed ".

"Look at me zoshi "life is short, so live the moment".

"I'm trying Mr. Dennis".

"Zoshi make some friends. Talk to everyone. Mostly with children's they will teach to about life. You can learn so many thing from children's. They never care about their past and future. They care about their present. Try to live like them".

"How can I Mr. Dennis. You know about me. I never touched any men. Except you and my father.I was waiting to touch my love only him. I was waiting to give myself to him. But that day". I again started crying. He took me in his arm and consoled me.

"Stop crying zoshi be a brave girl". He said me and rubbed my tears with his hands. I hugged him. I felt safe and relieved.

*Present *
       He is no more with me. He is gone. The best friend ,I had in my life is gone.

Mr. Dennis one day I will meet you in heaven. Make a place for me☺️ you told me not to think of quitting my life. I promised you. I will never try it. But when I die naturally I ll meet you. I hope so.

I miss you Mr. Dennis. I looked at sea. The waves were dancing happy. I admired so many things in this world because of him. He thought how to live my life. Now.........

I went to my home. My dad and mom was waiting in front of my house. When they saw me they came running to me and hugged me.

"Zoshi where were you??? Are you alright baby???". My mom and dad asked me.

Without a word, I started crying in their arms like a child. They took me in ,but I didn't stop crying. I sat on the couch my dad sat next to me. My mom went to kitchen to bring water for me. I rested my head on my dads lap. He caressed my hair.

"Cry zoshi cry don't suppress your pain. Let it go zoshi". I didn't stop .I cried till my eyes were swollen and lacrimal gland is dead. It stopped producing the tears. My eyes were burning even though I closed it. I slept there on my dad's lap.
My dad woke me up.

"Zoshi get up and have dinner ".

"I don't want dad".I said and tried to move away from him. But he held my hand.

"zoshi Mr. Dennis won't allow you to sleep in empty stomach. You promised him that you will be a good child. So have dinner dear". By hearing his name I started crying again.

"Oh stop stop zoshi". My dad hugged me. He tried to console me. But it didn't work. I was crying till I was dehydrated.

How is The story???
Do you like it???
Then first vote for it. I was crying when I wrote this chapter.
Because everyone in life will have a good friend like him.
Age doesn't matter. Only the love values the relationship.
Do you believe it. Love it's not only between two couples.
It's a trust between two hearts.

Cast: Zoshi- Allia bhatt
Mr. Dennis- Jaya prakash.

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