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Arnav pov
           Few weeks later:
                  Time takes away everything. But my life stopped running when red left my world. I don't know why I am continuing my life. Red doesn't life taking away over life. Because this is God gift or curse. We should wait till he calls us back. So I am waiting for my time to end.

                I will wait to meet my red again. I will take her in my arms. I can smell her. I can touch her. I can kiss her. I can hear her voice. I can look into her beautiful emerald eyes. I can drown forever. I don't miss her. Because she is with me. I can feel you red though I couldn't able to see you.

                Here I am holding a red rose in my hand. A smile crept my lips. My life with red started with red roses. I started pluck the petals of the rose. For each petals I counted I love you/ love u not. It went forever. Last petal end with I love you. That was the first word red said to me. She is so lucky even that was the last word she said to me. I love you red😘.

Authors note:
              Thanks readers. For giving a life to my story. Don't wait for the time to change our life. Live at the moment. Next moment is not ours.
Good bye.
Love zoshi Arnav
  Red Eric😘❤️

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