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I was sleeping peaceful but, some one disturbed me. I got up when I heard a knock on my door. I looked at the watch which showed 5:30 am. What the hell. Who is disturbing me at this time. This is so early. I got down from my bed and went near my door. I blinked several times to come out of my sleep. Slowly I turned the door knob. Arnav was stranding in front in his night dress. I have him a confused look.

"Zoshi come out." He ordered. I stepped out of the room. He was tensed. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Zoshi my aunt is coming today. She is very dangerous. I know our marriage is just a shame but, she shouldn't find that." He sighed. I gave him a challenging look.

"I don't care." I said with a attitude.

"Zoshi if you don't do this." I cut him off.

"I have already told my answer "I"Don't "care" I emphasised each words.

"Zoshi." He groaned in frustration. A small happiness surrounded my heart. Then he left without a word.
8 am
I was having my breakfast. The door bell rang. Arnav went to open the door.

"Hello arnav darling." A lady voice echoed through out the house.

"Come inside Aunty." I got up and went to the kitchen. Let him call me.

"Oh Arnav how are you my darling. I missed you." You know her voice is irritating me. Like a mosquito flying near your ear.

"Zoshi." He called me in a sweet voice. I turned my head immediately.
"Come here sweetheart." My jaws dropped to the floor. I went out of the kitchen. Suddenly a girl in my age came to my view. She was stunning with over makeup. Next to her a old fat lady in 50. May be her mother. They both looked at me. The young girl face grimaced in disgust by looking at me. A rage shoot up. I clenched my teeth in anger.

"She is Zoshi my wife." My wife I looked at him in disbelief. Some how his words pacified me. He came and stood beside me. Suddenly those two wicked girls burst out laughing. What the hell. I looked at Arnav. He too was confused.

"Arnav is she is your wife??? I can't believe this. I thought you have a better taste." The young girl words crushed me. It hurts me. I cringed.

"Arnav look at you. You are a stylish, handsome, rich young man in the world. You deserve a rich good looking girl like a model." Her words stab me in my heart. Arnav didn't defend me. Tears started to erupt. I blinked several time to suppress my out burst.

"You are correct maya. Arnav deserves better." His aunty most irritating voice added salt to my wound.

"Maya stop she is my wife. Come first you guys have breakfast." He took them away. I thought he will defend me. But he didn't. He didn't speak for me. I went to my room. I felt out of the place. I don't belong here. She is right he don't deserve me. Tears rolled down my cheeks. God why are you making me to suffer. What did I do. I have suffered a lot in the past four years. Let me live peacefully or take me with you. I can't live this life anymore. You took my ERIC away from me. You took my Boss Mr. Dennis away from me. You separated me from my parents. You are evil. I got up and went near the glass window. Four kids were painting the wall opposite to my building.

Immediately I thought of ERIC. He loves paintings. I have learned to paint for him. I have learned so many things. Those are the beautiful days in my life. Sitting in between the flowers and waiting for the letter from ERIC. Really a wonderful days of the life. I need to go back to those days. I miss you Eric.
Evening 5:30
I was in the kitchen with dolly.

"Zoshi." Arnav called me. I turned around. "Zoshi get ready we are going out for a dinner." He said softly.

"I'm not coming with you." I replied him without looking at him.

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