Part Three of Three: The Beginning or The End?

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Daniel was tied up opposite me, I could see him but I just couldn't reach him. I was still crying by the time he woke up. I tried to pull myself together for him, but I couldn't, I had officially lost it.

"Perfect, you're awake," Cat said, smiling malevolently. "Now we can begin."

"Begin with what?" I cried out. "What the hell do you want with us."

"I need to set things right, you can't marry Daniel. You're obviously very confused and I'm here to help you. We were destined to be together, you and I, and it seems that Daniel has manipulated you into thinking you're in love with him. I'm here to rescue you. But the only way I can do that is for you and I to be together forever."

"Don't you get it?" I yelled through my tears. "I don't want to be with you, I want to be with Daniel."

"You are dreadfully confused and since I can't make you think otherwise, we are going to have to take drastic measures."

Cat then pulled out a gun.

"What the hell are you doing?" Daniel had only started making sense of what was happening.

Cat leaned in towards me and pressed the sides of our heads together, she then placed the gun pointing the other side of my head.

She was going to shoot us both - together.

Tears were pouring down my face as I began to shake from pure and absolute terror. "Please don't do this." I cried over and over again.

"It's the only way." She said.

I could hear Daniel was yelling at the top of his lungs, violently fidgeting.

I decided upon my last words carefully: "Daniel, don't look."

"We are going to be together forever." Cat whispered in my ear.

'This is the end' I thought to myself. 'I'm doing to die.'

Now, you're probably thinking "well, you're going to live because how else would you be writing this?" And that's true, but shut up, stop ruining the plot of the story. Okay, so spoiler alert: I don't die. You want to know why? Because just as I prepared myself for death, all the noises around my merged into one white noise - except for one voice that had suddenly appeared...

"Get the fuck away from him!"

It was David.

He was standing at the door frame ... and he looked furious. He kicked Cat away from me and she dropped the gun.

She rolled over and sprung back onto her feet. She snarled at him.

"Stay out of my way David, I have to do this so Joey and I can be together."

"You are fucking insane." David spat.

"I don't want to hurt you David, but nothing will keep my from being with Joey."

"I will not let you hurt him!" David yelled as he ran up to Cat and punch square across the face.

But she got up, with intense energy, and she pounced onto him.

They broke out into an intense fight, determination gleamed in their eyes as they tried to beat it out of their opponent. Punch after punch, neither of them gave up. But when David went punch her in the stomach, she surprised him with a sharp blow to the head and he collapsed backwards on the floor.

Cat turned to me, a horrifying image of a deranged and blood stain bride, and said: "now, where were we?"

But little did she know, David had got up and grabbed the lamp from my desk.

He knocked her out cold.

It was over.

We had won.

David untied me and I gave him an overemotional thank you. He untied Daniel and I hugged him, I gripped onto him as tight as I could and refused to let him go. However, only moments later the police arrive ... yet none of us had called them.

Once they say they scene, they questioned us and we explained everything.

She began to stir as the police hoisted her up.

"Catherine Valdes, you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Tricia Valdes and Joseph Graceffa." Declared the officer who was arresting her.

"Tricia Valdes?" I asked.

"Didn't she tell you? She poisoned her own mother."

It turns out I wasn't the only one who Cat had been making calls to in jail. The guy she said who owed her a couple favours, apparently she got him to poison her mother, so that she could apply for furlough.

It was all part of her sick, twisted plan.

After the police had taken Cat away, I was still holding onto Daniel from the side.

"It's okay if you want to postpone the wedding, I'm sure everyone will understand." I said to him.

"Are you kidding me? After this? I don't want to ever risk losing you again."

I smiled at him warmly.

"Let's go get married then."

"Do you Joseph Graceffa, take thee Daniel Preda, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"And do you Daniel Preda, take thee Joseph Graceffa, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"Then, by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may kiss the groom."

And I did.

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