Chapter 6

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***Please read the Author's Note at the end of this chapter!

Chapter 6-

One Week Later...

"Alright, so we'll schedule an appointment for two weeks, Louis?"

Louis sat in Dr. Burton's office, Harry in the chair next to him. They were their for Louis' next checkup, which had been moved to every two weeks for precautionary reasons. Especially in Louis' condition. Though he was carrying well and both he and the baby were healthy, it was for safety. 

Louis nodded as he took the sonogram picture from Dr. Burton.

"Getting bigger now, huh?"

She smiled. "The baby will keep on getting bigger until birth."

"And it's definite? The cesarean? There's-"

"No other way," Dr. Burton concluded.

Louis nodded and looked at Harry, who gave him a small smile.

"I'll see you in two weeks, Louis. Just keep up with the injections and everything else. Other than that, you're good to go. And try to walk once a day."

"Already are," he smiled.

A little while later, they drove off to school, that day being a late entrance because of some teacher conference. They headed to their regular classes, only for a shorter period of time.

Louis found himself peeking at the sonogram when he overheard Alex's conversation.

"Just look at him," what what he heard first.

"Tomlinson," one of his friends asked.

"Yeah. Fat arse can barely walk!"

The small group began snickering, trying to keep everything to a whisper.

"He's definitely eating way too much. And have you seen how Styles helps him so much? Obviously he has a thing for fat guys."

That crossed the line for Louis. As soon as the bell rang a minute later, he scooped up his things before rushing out of the room. He got about three doors down from his previous classroom before he heard his name get called.

"Hey, Tomlinson."

He rolled his eyes, debating if he should just keep on walking, then turned around.

"What," he asked sternly.

"You drop this?" Alex held up the copy of the sonogram. Louis' copy.

"Where did you-give me that!" He grabbed for it, failing as he didn't want to jump for the sake of the baby. 

"It fell," he smirked, turning the paper so he could study its grainy picture. "Who'd you knock up? Hm?"

"Shut up and give it to me," he growled. 

"So you did knock someone up?" Alex smirked even more so, crossing his arms over his chest. 
"Hey everyone!"

Every passerby near them stopped, Louis' jaw and fists clenched.

"Guess what?"

He held up the sonogram. "Tomlinson's knocked someone up!" He laughed and flashed a diabolical look at Louis,.

Everyone standing near them looked at Louis with shocked expressions. A group of girls began whispering to one another, a no one taking their eyes off of Louis.

All As It Changes (Larry Stylinson {Mpreg}) *Sequel IncludedWhere stories live. Discover now