It All Changed-Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

Two months later...

Louis woke up achy and in pain. He sat up, his stomach and back cramping up on him. Harry wasn't in bed, meaning that he was probably with Luca downstairs. He got up, his stomach hurting slightly, as well as a slight pounding head. 

"Woah..." He let a strong breath escape his lips. His stomach went to his throat then back down. "What was that..." He placed a fisted hand on his belly and breathed in.

Shaking it off, he slipped on a shirt over his head and went slowly downstairs, bare feet hitting cool hardwood. 

As he hit the landing at the bottom of the stairs, he looked into the lounge to see Harry cuddling with a drowsy Luca, while Saturday morning cartoons played out on the screen. He smiled at Harry; his curls were messy and flopping in every which way. Louis walked over and sat next to Harry, kissing his head softly.

"Good morning," he smiled.

Harry smiled at dimpled grin back at Louis. "Morning." He pecked his lips gently.

Louis snuggled up into his side, Luca's face inches from his. 

"Luca Lou," he smiled to the tired girl. "Are you sleepy?"

She blinked slowly at him. "Yes..."

"Then maybe you should've gone to bed when Daddy and I told you to last night, and not run around and stay up."

"But I not tired, then!"

"Luca. If you go to sleep at the right time, then you won't be so sleepy the next morning."


"Luca," Harry interrupted. "Listen to him."

She huffed out and snuggled into Harry's chest, causing her fathers to let out a little chuckle.

"You alright, Boo?"

Louis shrugged. "Not feeling my best. My stomach hurts, so does my head and lower back...I don't know what's wrong."

Harry sighed. "Want me to kiss it better?"

Louis let out a short laugh and leaned back. "If you want," he said, rubbing his stomach.

"Like I used to?"

"Yeah, just like when I was pregnant."

Harry just shook his head and pecked Louis' lower stomach where his 'Tommo Tummy' like he called it, was. 

"I still love that thing," Harry pointed. "I'm not exactly sure why. It's just adorable on you."

"You just like it because I look like I'm pregnant with it. And you like that."

Harry shrugged. "I'd be happy with another baby one day."

"Me, too. But, we've gotta get married first, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah. It would probably be better that way."

At that moment, Luca moved from Harry's chest to Louis' and cuddled into him.

"What's wrong, Luca?" Louis pushed her hair back. 

She just sighed and snuggled closer. 

"Someone's taking a nap later." He kissed her head and held her close.

A little while later, Louis was sitting alone on the couch while Luca slept against his chest. Harry had gotten up to do the laundry, and said that he would be back when he finished. Louis couldn't help but notice the churning in his stomach and the burning in his throat. He began to feel sick. He felt hot, but was still, at the same time, cold. 

All As It Changes (Larry Stylinson {Mpreg}) *Sequel IncludedWhere stories live. Discover now