Chapter 7

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***Please read the Author's Note at the end of this chapter. Thank you!  

Chapter 7-

It had been weeks since Louis had seen Harry. He barely talked to anyone, if at all. He was embarrassed. And he could tell that Harry was, too. Louis had just passed the five month mark about three days ago. The baby kicked at the most unexpected moments, as well. For instance; once, when he was reading a report in front of the class, the baby kicked randomly, causing Louis to have to practically hold a death grip on his paper so his hand didn't instinctively fly to his stomach.

Harry had been staring at him with a sad look etched on his face the entire time.

During lunch, the boys would switch off between a vacant table Louis currently sat at and their original table. He didn't really talk much to them, in fact...he barely ate. Due to his depressed looks, Alex had taken the opportunity to insult Louis more than ever, and they were worse than usual. Louis had begun taking them pretty god damn badly. He hadn't self harmed; he wouldn't do that to himself, or the baby. Or Harry...Never in a million years. Never in eternity.  He couldn't. He refused. 

The thing was, that Louis couldn't bring himself to talk to Harry. He was too embarrassed to do so. He would stay up most of the night thinking. He felt so alone lately, as well, except for the baby kicking whenever he talked to it. He wanted to cry all the time, too.

"Morning, Boo," Jay sighed.

"Morning." He sat down at the table, tapping his fingers against the wood.

Jay placed a plate of food in front of Louis before sitting across from her son. She watched as Louis played with his food.

"What's wrong, Lou? You're not eating."

He merely shrugged. "Nothing."

"It has to be something."

"I'm fine, Mum. I promise."

She sighed sadly. "How's Harry? I haven't seen him in a while."

Louis coughed. "Uh...he's alright. I guess." He mumbled the last part.

"Have you talked to him?"

Louis stayed silent, avoiding any and all possible eye contact towards Jay.

"You haven't, haven't you?" She laced her fingers together, pressing into the table to try and get the boy to look at her.

Louis mumbled a 'no,' and stood up. "I'm gonna head to school. Thanks for breakfast, Mum." He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before walking out of the room. 

He didn't turn around to look at Jay again. Instead, he walked towards the door and grabbed his school bag before eventually walking out of the house. With his bag hung on one shoulder, he walked alone towards school. The baby kicked, that being the 'I'm there for you' sort of father-son thing that happened when he felt like this. Louis sighed deeply. He wanted to hide. He just wanted to. The baby was hungry, but Louis couldn't eat without feeling sick. He didn't even want to eat; blame Alex.

The school began to fade into sight in the distance. Louis lingered the queue for a few minutes, waiting...just waiting. For what, he didn't know. Students began showing up in the building. heading to their lockers. (They roamed the halls with their friends by their side.)  Louis rolled his eyes at the girls who were doing their makeup or fawning over the fact that they "hand't seen their friends for a while, which was only a few hours at most."

Try not talking to your best friend for weeks, Louis thought. Then see how you feel. Doubt as bad as me.

Louis saw Harry from his standing point at his locker. He quickly got his things before heading off towards his first class. He went to his seat in the back of the class, and began reading the class' assignment that had been written on the board, obviously prior to the school day beginning.  He wrote everything down in a quick, steady pace, reading it over once or twice, before seeing Harry peering over at him.

All As It Changes (Larry Stylinson {Mpreg}) *Sequel IncludedWhere stories live. Discover now