It All Changed-Chapter 7

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Chapter 7-

One week later...

Louis stretched his legs out in front of him as the train continued to cruise along the track. He had his head resting on Harry's shoulder, a hand on his stomach. His back hurt, his ankles were swollen, the baby kicked frequently, but he was relaxed. Completely and utterly relaxed.

"We're almost home," Harry whispered to Louis.

Louis smiled at his husband. He still could barely believe it, even a week later. 

"I can't wait," he sighed dreamily. "I really missed our little Luca Lou...I need a big hug from her."

Harry agreed. "Me, too." He leaned over and hugged Louis.

"As much as I love you," he laughed as he begun. "I need a hug from Luca. I'm tired of you." 

Harry scoffed, ruffling Louis' hair.  "Well then."

He rolled his eyes, resting his head on Harry's shoulder. 

The train continued to roll as it made it's way closer to the station. When they finally arrived, Louis stood up, stretching his aching back and legs. He gripped Harry's hand and headed off, collecting their things. They walked to the main departure way and found their families waiting for them. Luca, who by now had wriggled out of Jay's arms, ran straight for Louis. He picked her up, dropping his luggage and hugged her as close as he could to his swollen body.

"I missed you so much, sweetheart," he whispered to her as he ran his hands through her hair.

"Miss you, Papa," he said sadly.

Louis kissed her head before passing her to Harry.

"We're not gonna leave again any time soon," he had heard Harry whisper.

"How was it?" 

Louis picked up his things and walked over to Jay who hugged him.

"It was amazing," he said. "Paris is beautiful. I have pictures that I'll show you later."

"But we don't want to know everything, Louis," Gemma chimed sarcastically.

"Yes you do, Gem," Harry smirked, hugging her.

Anne rolled her eyes. "Our boys...they never changed have they?"

Jay shook her head. "Not a bit," she chuckled. "Eat any snails."

"Gross, no way," Harry cringed, still holding Luca. 

They all piled into the car, Louis sitting with Luca on his lap. He played with her now curly hair and kissed her head gently.

"What did you do this week, Luca Lou," he questioned.

"S'uffs," she mumbled playing with the stuffed bear Harry and Louis had gotten her.

"What kind of stuff?"

She hummed. "I eated...and play wi'h uncas..."

"You played with your uncles," Harry asked, brushing a strand of hair away from her eyes. "What about Auntie Gem and Nanny and Nanna?"

Luca nodded.

"That's all we're getting out of you huh?"

Another nod.

Louis shook his head laughing and watched the scenery pass by. 

When they reached their flat, Harry ran up the stairs with all of his bags.

All As It Changes (Larry Stylinson {Mpreg}) *Sequel IncludedWhere stories live. Discover now