Chapter 2

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Third Person POV

*A few weeks after Demi and Selena adopted Carly*

Carly has a doctors appointment today, to see how the baby is doing

As Carly lay on her bed (A/N: Like the pic in media) she thinks about her baby, a bit worried that something could be wrong with the baby. Just then Demi comes in the room

"You ready for your doctors appointment" Demi asks Carly. Carly nods her head, getting up off the bed

"Okay. We are going to get something to eat on the way, sense your appointment isn't for a few hours" Demi tells Carly

"Where are we going to eat" Carly asks

"You get to choose" Demi says

Carly thought for a bit then answered

"I want Taco Bell" Carly answered

"Taco Bell it is" Demi says

Carly and Demi go downstairs where Selena is waiting for them in the living room

They all go get in the car and buckle up

They drive to Taco Bell and park. They all get out of the car and walk inside

Demi and Carly tell Selena what they want, then find a seat, while Selena goes and orders the food

Demi and Carly small talk in the meantime

5 minutes later Selena comes to the table with the food. Selena hands out the food then sits down

Demi got a taco and small nachos, along with a soda. Selena got a crunch wrap, a taco and a soda. Carly, being pregnant gets 2 tacos, a nacho supreme, a crunch wrap and a soda

After they get done eating they throw their trash away, then go and get in the car. They buckle up and Selena drives to the doctors office. They park then go in.

Demi gets Carly signed in and they sit down and wait

After about 15 minutes a nurse opens the door

"Carly Lovato-Gomez" the nurse says

All three follow the nurse

The nurse gets Carly's weight and height, then once they get her in a room the nurse gets Carly's temperature and blood pressure.

Carly's doctor comes in and measures her stomach and talks to her. After about 10 minutes the doctor tells Carly that she will get a sonogram before she leaves

The nurse then gets Carly ready for the sonogram

The nurse puts the cold gel on Carly's stomach then puts the thing on her stomach and finds the baby (A/N: Sorry I don't know what its called)

Once she finds baby Brooke she notices that the baby is bigger then she should be for how far along Carly is

"Carly, it looks like your farther along then we thought. You should have her within the next month" the nurse tells Carly

"Really" Carly says in a bit of shock because she thought she wouldn't have Brooke for a few months. She thought she was only a little over 6 months along

"Yes. You are just about 8 months along according to how big the baby is. Your doctor before must have messed up the dates or something" the nurse tells Carly "Little Miss Brooke is moving down in position to be delivered" the nurse adds

"Wow" is all Carly can say

The nurse gets some sonograms for Carly, tells her that her baby is doing very good, then wipes the gell off Carly's stomach and tells Carly to make an appointment on the way out, because she needs to come back once a week now

They leave the room and make an appointment for next week, then they leave the doctors office

They decide to go to the baby store and get some things that they don't have yet. Once they get there, they go in

*After they get done shopping*

Once they get done they get a car seat with a stroller, a baby carrier, a baby swing, a bouncer and a LOT of baby clothes. They also get a bunch of receiving blankets, regular baby blankets, and a lot more stuff. They get checked out, then go home

*A few weeks later, Carly hasn't had the baby yet*

The past few days Carly has had weird feelings. She has had feelings like her body is wanting to be spanked. She hasn't felt like that before. She decided to talk to Demi about it. She has gotten close to Demi and Selena and now calls Demi mom and Selena momma

Carly goes to find Demi. She finds her in her and Selena's room

"Mom.... can I talk to you about something" Carly asks hesitantly

"Of course, you can talk to me about anything" Demi tells Carly

"Okay. I have been having some weird feelings" Carly says "Like my body is wanting to be spanked. What do I do about it" Carly asks

"That's normal, its just your hormones. I can give you a spanking, but you can't be laying on your stomach, so you'll have to bend over a chair or something" Demi says

"Do you think it'll help" Carly asks

"I think it will" Demi tells Carly

"Okay" Carly says

Demi tells her to bend over a chair but not to put pressure on her stomach. Carly bends over a chair. Demi gets behind her and rubs her butt a little then starts lightly spanking her

After 15 swats Demi stops

"Did that help" Demi asks Carly

"Yes it did. Can you give me a few more" Carly asks

"You like it don't you" Demi asks as she swats Carly's butt lightly

"Yes. But I don't usually. I think your right, its my hormones" Carly admits, blushing a little

"No need go blush sweetie, to be honest I like spankings" Demi admits


I hope everyone likes the chapter. Carly will have her baby in the next chapter

Do you think Carly will be well behaved, a little bit of a trouble maker or a rebel getting in trouble a lot after she has the baby? Let me know in the comments


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