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I walk out of my room and join everyone else for breakfast, Ryle murmurs a 'morning' when I sit next to him, he is still sleepy. He is eating like he hasn't eaten in a month, though.

I eat a normal amount of food, some eggs and bread for the protein and carbohydrates so I can have some energy for later. Maybe Finnick will want to train until late today as well.

At 9:50 I make my way down to the gymnasium on my own. Half of the tributes are already there, some of them are just talking to their tribute partner and some are already training, like the girl from District 10, Serena, who is throwing knives before the careers claim that station. I recognize her because of her jet black straight hair and standing blue eyes. Those eyes give me chills, so I make my way to the station of edible and poisoned plants once again. I won't be as long as the day before but I want to refresh my memory a bit.

Then I move to another station I practice making knots and making snares. Around 12:00, I eat some of the food I brought with me without people noticing, I don't really know if I can eat or not. Time passes painfully slow, but by lunch I have been on five different stations and I am satisfied with it.

Again, people waste no time on going to the cafeteria to eat lunch. I wonder how it would be like if I went with them. The cafeteria is just next to the gymnasium and we are supposed to eat lunch together, probably to get to know each other. I can't help but think, would I sit with Ryle? Would he and the other careers reject me and make me go to another table? Would Kade let me sit with him? Would I sit alone? Probably.

As I am thinking of these silly things, Finnick enters the gymnasium, with his usual smirk planted on his face. He sees me by the making-fire station and approaches me quickly.

"I will miss the shorts on this session." He says smirking.

"Hello to you too." I comment and he only smirks even more to me. "What are we going to do today?"

Finnick first gives me an axe, and makes me practice with it. It can be deadly but I have never used one before. I manage to cut wood easily and even cut off one of the dummy's neck when I throw it for the third time. Then Finnick gives me a sickle, another weapon new to me. Sickles are small blades, they are very sharp and light, so they are easy to carry around.

"If someone ambushes you, you could be carrying one in your hand and slash their throat easily and fast, or you may just stab them, it would make an ugly and painful cut."

Finnick makes me practice, not with him of course, but with a moving dummy. I am pinned against a wall and I have no way of escaping, but I remember the sickle and slash the throat of the dummy. Finnick is happy with my training after that.

"You have good aim." Finnick tells me. "If you throw a rock at someone passing by, you may only hurt them a bit or they may end up unconscious, and then you can kill them easily, it depends of the size of the rock and the force you use to throw it."

Finnick gives me two small rocks, he puts a bottle of water very far from me and tells me to throw the rocks at it. The first rock hits it and makes it stumble but the second time I actually make the bottle fall. I keep throwing rocks for a while, different types and sizes of rocks each time. He then makes the target smaller and I still hit it with the rocks, he also puts the target further away to increase the level of difficulty.

"Our time has almost run out." Finnick tells me. "You are doing extremely well."

"Am I?" I ask him surprised, a smile creeping on my lips.

"Yes, I'm proud of you." Finnick says patting me on my shoulder. "Now eat something."

I have left my food at a table while we trained, I grab it and start to eat, I am really hungry at that point.

Something Worth Living For [THG] // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now