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Before I could react or do anything, the owner of the voice pulls me by my hair, which is still in the fishtail braid, and puts one of their arms around my collarbones and with the other, they hold a sharp knife against my throat.

"Look what we got here." They say again. "Isn't the lovely little girl from two?"

"Leave her alone!" Ryle shouts, trying to get up, but he falls back to the ground.

"Tell me why should I?" Divya yells at him. "I have a better idea, you know? Taby, could you hold her while I kill Ryle and then after she has seen the whole thing, we can kill her too?"

"We were going to discuss that with Kellen, remember?" Tabitha says.

"This is the great chance, Taby." Divya says, her pupils have gotten dilated making her look even more like a lunatic, I can't see her though because my back is right pressed against her stomach, and I can't even move because of her strong grip on me. "We can get rid of the two tributes of District two on the same day."

"Ryle is our ally."

"Come on! We will give the audience a great show and the gamemakers won't create some horrible mutts to kills us to make the people excited again, this is a great chance and we can't ruin it!"

"I still think..."

"What?" Divya yells. "Do you want this pathetic girl to kill you later and win the Games?"

"That's not what I was going to say!" Tabitha exclaims.

"Look, we will kill Ryle first and then we will kill..."

Divya lets out a loudly scream, making my ear hurt. Ryle has thrown the knife he had at her, it hit her right on her left shoulder, it almost hits me too. Divya starts to bleed, but even after that, her grip on me doesn't get loose at all.

"You little piece of shit! You will pay for it!" Divya yells at Ryle. "See, Taby? We have to kill him before he kills us! Keep an eye on him, won't you?"

Divya then let go of me and pushes me to the ground, I fall on my hands and my stomach against the hard floor, then Divya turns me around and sits on top of me, pinning my hands with one of her hands and holding tightly the knife in her other hand, again she holds it against my throat.

"Let's make her suffer a bit and then we kill her partner and finally we kill her." Divya says. "How did you get that twelve anyway?" Divya asks looking me straight into my eyes, her own eyes are scary and she really looks like a mad person. "You are weak, pathetic and good for nothing, aren't you? How did you get that twelve?"

"Just get it done already!" Tabitha shouts.

"Let me have my fun!"

I slap myself mentally, I could have escaped once she had me pinned against her own body, I could have kicked her and run away, but now that I'm on the floor some of my sense comes back to me and I try to do what Finnick taught me, but she's too heavy, she doesn't even bulge. This is it, this is my end.

"So you can't talk either?" Divya says to me. "Hmm? You are so pathetic, you can't even talk, maybe you just need a bit of help."

Divya smiles in a sick way of me and then I feel a sharp pain on the left side of my face, she has just slapped me. I just groan a bit, but don't scream or say anything. She grabs her knife again and points it at my neck, this time it is actually touching my skin.

"I can apply some more pressure to it and it will be your end, you know? One of your most important arteries is right under the blade, you would bleed to death in just seconds. We are that fragile, interesting, huh?"

Something Worth Living For [THG] // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now