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"Nature, in her most dazzling aspects or stupendous parts, is but the background and theater of the tragedy of man."

- John Morley

I open my eyes the next morning, and I feel really rested. That vial Finnick gave me really worked wonders on me. I stand up without feeling even a bit tired or like wanting to keep sleeping. I don't need any more sleep.

I go to the bathroom, do my business, wash my face and go back to my room. I glance at the clock, it reads 4:02 a.m.. I put on more descent clothes, just a pair of dark trousers and a sleeveless blue blouse, I also put on Finnick's jacket. I need some reassurance to go through today. Even though Finnick is not here, his jacket and presence are, it's weird but I feel better. When I'm done I sigh and decide to go out, I make my way to the dining room, where Carlyne, Lasandra, Viola, Isie, a girl from Ryle's prep team are drinking coffee.

Everyone seemed really merry and all last night, but today they look pretty sad, even depressed. All of them just say a barely audible 'morning' to me, before going back to drinking coffee. I also grab a cup and drink some of it but I also add some milk and sugar to it.

Lasandra sighs and stands up just as she murmurs something about waking up Ryle. Ryle joins us a few minutes later with Lasandra. Ryle's hair is all over the place and his eyes are still half closed. He slumps on the chair next to me. Lasandra orders him to go change after she gives him some plain clothes.

As expected, Brutus, Lyme and Enebry are nowhere to be seen. Brutus and Lyme must be at the Games Headquarters already, signing deals with our sponsors. Hopefully we have many. Enebry must be with them too, even when she is not a mentor or anything, but where else would she be?

"I think it's time to go." Carlyne says to me.

At 5:05 a.m. Carlyne and I get into the lift, Lasandra and Ryle stay behind because Ryle is not ready yet. I feel like puking when we go by the fourth floor, Finnick's. I wish I could see him again just one more time, one last chance to thank him all he has done for me.

Floor ten, my legs are shaking and I feel chills go up and down my spine. Five more hours until the Games start, five more hours until I will be fighting for my life. The Games start at 10:00 because most of the Capitol citizens do not wake up until late morning. But we must be up before dawn so we can get ready.

Once we reach the roof, Carlyne probably senses my nerves and my mood or maybe just my expression gives me away, either way, he puts a hand on my shoulder as we walk toward the hovercraft that is waiting for me to take me to the catacombs under the arena itself. A ladder instantly drops down, and as soon as my feet touch it, I feel like I can't move. The ladder takes me and Carlyne safely inside. This is it, I'm trapped. No way of going out, but it really wasn't like I ever had a way out before.

A woman approaches me with a smile on her full lips. I'm still shaking and feel like I can't move a single muscle of my body.

"Danieka, this is your tracker." The woman says as she shows me a syringe. "It won't hurt that much."

It does hurt though, just for a second or less but it does hurt. I don't protest or whine about it, I still am paralyzed. It is not until the woman leaves that I can move again, an Avox girl comes to get us and takes us to a room with all kind of food. I don't feel like eating at all, but I serve myself as much as I can fit in my plate and force myself to eat more than I'm used to. I can't waste anything. I need all the energy and calories I can get. This will be my last good meal. What will I eat once I am in the arena? I really hope there is some kind of fruit or something I normally eat. Just thinking of killing a raccoon or rabbit and eating it afterwards makes me sick.

Something Worth Living For [THG] // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now