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"Stop seeking out the storms and enjoy more fully the sunlight."

― Gordon B. Hinckley

For lunch I tried to eat a small piece of fish and a small piece of red meat, I didn't finish them both but I am improving or so I think. Nobody has noticed that it takes a great deal of effort to eat that kind of things.

After lunch I try to rest as Ryle said he was going to do. But I feel restless, I need to do something, I need to get out of my room and at least walk or something. Just lying on my bed or watching out the window isn't enough, it seems time isn't passing by fast enough so I decide to go out.

At first I have no idea of where to go, I think of the garden and go there but I get bored quickly. Then I remember a place, and instantly make my way there.

I get into the lift and press the 'R' button. I share the lift with the male district of 12, he smiles at me, but says noting. The worst thing is that we go up twelve floors in a complete awkward silence. He walks out of the lift quickly, but he looks at me like trying to figure out why I'm still inside the lift, my floor is only the second, but I'm glad that's over. I finally reach the roof and walk out of the lift.

It's only about 3:30, and the sun is shining high in the sky. I couldn't decide if the night view or the one in front of me is more beautiful. I can see some cars on the streets and several buildings, I also see a park near our own building.

The sea is a beautiful medium blue, and the light of the sun is reflecting on some parts of it. There are also some sea birds flying over it, probably looking for some fish to eat. I can also see a huge cruise, but to me it only seems like a small little boat because it's so far away.

I can also see mountains all around the Capitol, it is like a valley. The Capitol has always been surrounded by them, there isn't a small corner without a mountain. Those mountains and the good location of the Capitol helped them to win the war seventy-two years ago.

"Enjoying the view, are we?"

I jump a bit at the sound of someone talking, I thought I was alone. I do not scream and don't get as startled as I normally do. I turn around slowly to meet sea-colour-like eyes staring at me.

"Sorry, it is not my intention to scare you every time we meet." He says, a smile creeping on his lips.

"But I'm always too distracted, aren't I?" I say what he always tells me.

"Yeah." He says chuckling a bit. "But it's hard to not get distracted by this view."

He walks towards me and rest his body against the railing all around the building. It is as high as my belly button, so it's perfect to rest the elbows against it and enjoy the view.

Finnick watches some birds flying by the sea, I turn to look at him and see his eyes' colour has turned even more blue, exactly the same colour of the sea in front of us. His lips turn into a smile, his dimple showing immediately.

I could tell Finnick wants to ask me about the private session with the gamemakers, he wants to ask me what I did and how it went but we both know neither of us really wants to ruin this moment by talking about the games, so he says nothing and I don't bring it up either.

Finnick put his hand inside his right pocket of his trousers, looking for something. He seems he has found it, because he takes his hand out and extends it in front of me.

"Do you want a chocolate?" He asks me.

I look at the four little pieces wrapped in a blue cover in his left hand. Some people haven't really eaten a single chocolate in their whole lives, especially the poorest districts, I have eaten it a few times, but it's actually considered a luxury.

Something Worth Living For [THG] // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now