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"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

-Anatole France

"Time to wake up, dear." Enebry says as she bangs on my door.

I sigh in frustration when I hear her high-pitched voice but soon after she leaves I fall asleep again only to be awaken five minutes later, but this time by Brutus, who keeps yelling at me to wake up, I jump out of bed after that but he keeps yelling until he hears the doors of my wardrobe, meaning I'm getting ready. I put on the first thing I see and walk out of my room and join everyone for breakfast.

When we are done, my prep team drags me out of the apartment and again I am at their mercy. Once I am completely naked, Trenk scrubs all my body again and washes my hair and applies some scent to it.

Polish does my hair, Viola and Trenk do my nails again and my make-up. They do everything again, and even better than last time, it only takes them about an hour and a half this time though. Carlyne steps into the room and smiles at me when they are finally done. He tells me to close my eyes and after I do it, he puts on the dress he has made for me to wear for the parade. I open my eyes again but he stops me from looking at the dress or my reflection, I can only see his eyes, his light green eyes.

"Masonry. Weapons. District 2." Carlyne says. "Your dress is the colour of concrete, more like silver though. I hope you like it." He says before turning me around so I can finally look at myself.

The dress is a silver colour indeed, but the fabric is a bit transparent. There are some shinny small circles all over the dress, which kind of reminds me of the night sky and the stars shinning. My middle-length hair is in such beautiful golden curls, half is pulled back with some silver pins and the other half is left down, it reaches barely above my chest, but normally when is straight, it reaches my middle back or a bit further. Then I see my face, it is covered in so much make-up, I can't even recognize myself. The little, weak, and even clumsy girl is gone, the make-up makes me look strong and fierce, like a lioness. It makes my usually dull blue eyes to stand out. I look like a warrior, a small one but still a warrior. But there is a delicate touch to it too, I also look like a princess, I don't even know how they did it, but they did. I have never looked so beautiful in my life. Actually, I am not pretty, but at this moment I feel like the most beautiful girl in here.

"This is the most beautiful dress I've ever seen." I whisper. "Thank you."

"It's my job, now is your job to make them love you, wave and smile at them. But do not do it in an innocent or a friendly way. Smile like you know you'll win, like you are better than everyone else. Show confidence. And they'll love you."

"Okay." I say. "I'll do it."

I have never done it, being confident, I mean. But it can't be that hard, only to pretend I am. The whole being confident for real might be really hard, but I can act it, at least only for the parade, and the make-up and dress will help.

Carlyne gives me a pair of silver-coloured heels then, I put them on and when I'm done Carlyne leads me to where the chariots are waiting for us. I make my way to the second one, where Ryle is already waiting. He is also wearing a silver-coloured costume, it looks like an armour. They probably want him to look like a black knight, they made him look pretty handsome to say the truth.

I smile at one of the horses that are supposed to pull our chariot, the one that is on my side of the chariot. Both of them are white with black spots. I run my hands on its side, somehow it makes me feel less nervous. I had a horse when I was younger, I loved to ride it. It made me feel free and made me forget about the whole world.

Something Worth Living For [THG] // Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now