Chapter 1

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So , the magic begins again :3 I hope you like it! Thanks, ciao.

Everything just happened so quickly. Screaming people scattering the area. Banners litter the ground and people stampede over one another. My instincts kick in before my brain does. My legs have a mind of their own, I take off out of the parking lot and down the road. An empty feeling hits me when I realize that I'm all alone. Oh no. I can't believe I just did that! I-I didn't' realize...Matt, Mom I'm so sorry. I have to go back! I think frantically as I look around for any signs of life. I quickly turn back and run towards the shopping center. Once I get there I am out of breath and my sides ache. The once-full parking lot now had bodies and guts scattered about. I stare astonished at the sight. A million thoughts flood my mind. Where is Matt? Mom? Who did this? Why is this happening? I mean for real this time... I freeze when the clicking of a gun sounds behind me.

The stranger pokes me with the gun. "You bit?" he asks in a smooth yet harsh voice. Trembling, I quickly shake my head. "Okay...Sorry about that..." he says to me softly. I turn around to see the stranger. Before me stands L. My mouth drops open and tears flow immediately down my face.  I wrap my arms around his muscular form and hug him tightly. He stands there motion-less for a few seconds before putting his arms around me and squeezing back. "Oh...Sorry..." I say, backing up alittle and wiping my eyes. "No, don't apologize. You've probably been through alot." He says to me and smiles. I smile back, sniffling. "This may seem like alot to ask of you...but do you think you could help me move these bodies to the back of the store? We could lock them up back there and stay here..." I stare at him for a second. "I-I mean if you wanted to stay here...There is alot of supplies. Unless you have somewhere else you're at then I completely understand." L says quickly. "Oh. The name's Lawrence. You can call me L." He says and puts a hand out. "Melody." I say shaking his hand. "So, let's move some bodies?" I say. We both get to work moving the mangled bodies. After about an hour of moving bodies, L drags the last body towards the back. "Okay, now that they are out of the way, let's set up." L says to me after shoving a large store shelf against the back storage door. I feel alittle worried. "L? After we set up do you think we can...go find my brother and mother?" I ask shakily. " seperated." I say as he looks at me questioningly. "Sure, hun. Don't worry. We'll find them." He replies, smiling. "We can go right now, there's no time to waste! We can always come back here. We'll just gather a few supplies and get going." L says reassuringly. I smile and nod my head. We proceed to get some supplies from around the shopping center. After we grab a few necessities, we head out of the store and down the long, narrow road towards the neighborhoods.

One More Time - Part 2 of Forgotten MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now