Chapter 9

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Day 6 (the rest of it)

I rush out of the bathroom to the main room where the others are. Two figures stand in front of me, their backs toward me. Soaked clothing clings to their small bodies, a smaller figure along with a taller one. I squint my eyes and step towards them. Jeremy and Lisa are speaking to them. L gives me an excited glance from where he stand and I look at him questioningly. As I get closer I hear the small voice of the little one. A little boys voice, like silk among sandpaper. I stiffen and tears well up in my eyes. I continue to walk closer, then the taller figure speaks. "I-I am here looking for my daughter..." the women's voice says. I let the tears fall from my eyes and I run towards them. My mother turns and catches me in her warm embrace. I sob into her shoulder as she squeezes me tight. Matt tugs the bottom of my shirt with his little hands. I turn to him and he jumps into my arms; hugging me with his little arms. A sob escapes me when I finally realize they are here, alive, breathing, and with me. We hug and I cry for what seems to be eternity. When I look up, my mother kisses my forehead. I see Lisa crying with a big smile on her face. L is smiling that crooked smile as he watches us reunite for the first time in six days. Then my blood runs cold as I remember the bite. I can make this right. I can, I will.

I wipe my eyes and look at the others in the group. They are all gathered, watching, some even crying tears of joy. I smile as I see Cody head over to Matt and they hug. Lisa walks up to my mother, hugs her, then begins to talk to her. "We need to get them fed. They also will need new clothes." Dan says once we settle down abit. "I can cook us all some dinner, it's about time for it anyways." Lisa says to him, and he nods. "I will get some dry clothes." Chris says, grabbing his pistol. "Okay good. Welcome to our group you two, we are overjoyed to have you here." Dan says finally to them, and shakes my mothers hand, then hugs Matt. "Thank you so much for allowing us here, and taking care of my daughter. My name is Brenda and this is my son Matt." My mother says as Dan shakes her hand. The rest of the group introduces themselves. "Hey, Matt. You wanna go colour with me? I have crayons and a big book!" Cody says excitedly. Matts eyes light up and he runs off with Cody. I smile at them.

Chris arrives with their clothes and they get to change into dry outfits. They still look under-fed and tiny with their newly fitted clothes, but we can fix that. Lisa makes us a very large dinner for the occasion. Fire-roasted chicken, green beans, mashed potatoes , and cookies for desert. We all sit around the large fire Dan and Chris built, and chat with each other. Jeremy gets games for us to play and it finally feels like the world hasn't gone to hell before our eyes. We can all let loose and laugh and smile together again. Celebrate life, happiness, and the new friends we have made. We can just forget the world outside our doors, and just focus on this. These moments are what keep us going. Happy, peaceful times with each other. Too bad it all has to come to an end...

One More Time - Part 2 of Forgotten MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now