Chapter 2

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As walk down the long, abandoned road; the baby blue sky starts to turn grey and fill with clouds. I notice we are close to my neighborhood when the first droplets begin to fall. L rushes towards my neighborhood, looking for an open or unlocked door. He finally finds an open door about two blocks in. The white door was smashed, but open. Some of the windows had also been smashed in, as if someone else had been there. Upon further inspection, L concluded that no one was in the little house, so we both decided to set up for the night. In order to barricade the doors and windows, L smashed some chairs to have wood to put up over them. I searched the house. There was a very very large living room once you walked inside. It had creamy green walls and once-white carpeted flooring. Two sofas, a coffee table, and a fireplace occupy the living room. There was one bedroom, pastel-blue walls and grey carpet. Only one bathroom and a small kitchen. This is the house from my dream...Does that mean...No, it was just a dream, only a coincidence. Yeah, a coincidence. I think as a sense of familiarity strikes as I walk throughout the house. Just a coincidence...

We spent the night at the house, L thought that we should make this our permanent hideout. I agreed, since it functioned well enough last time, why not this time? L packs a small bag, again, for when we head out to find my brother and mother. Even thought on the outside I may seem calm, I am freaking out on the inside. Almost like L can feel my anxiety, he puts a comforting hand on my shoulder "It'll be alright." he says smiling his crooked smile. It warms my heart. He was the reason I kept going in my dream. I thought I had lost my family, he was the closest thing to family I had, and he still is. Even though I don't really 'know' him, I feel like I do. L reminds me of my father in a way, I just cannot explain it.

We leave the hideout around two-ish. First, we discussed the places to look for my family. "Well, my house is just two blocks from here..." I start. "You mean this is your neighborhood?" L asks, looking at me. I nod my head at stare at him for a moment. "Well, let's look there first." L says finally, heading towards the door. I feel like I am forgetting something... I think as I nod and turn towards the boarded door. L takes a cross necklace off and sets it on the table* before grabbing the supply bag. "Ready?" He asks me as he turns the door knob. I nod quickly and head out of the door. We head for my house, almost silent groans echo through the afternoon air. What am I forgetting?

As soon as my house comes into view, I run towards it. I run up the wooden porch steps to the door and turn the knob, it opened.  Although it opened, no one was inside, which made my heard drop alittle. "Well...we can still gather any supplies from here if you want..." I say in a small voice, looking at L. He looks at me unsure before nodding and heading for the kitchen. I also look for any supplies to take with us. Being in my house, just my presence here, hurt. I felt so alone, bare, like a tiger cub left out in the snow. L interrupts my thoughts, he tells me that he is going outside to look for some rope or something of the sort. I know he doesn't want to see me cry, so that is why he is going out. To give me some space. I try to hold it back, but I can't.

After about ten minutes of crying, my sobs begin to stop due to that same feeling that I was forgetting something again. I wipe my eyes and take a deep breath. Once I feel that I have calmed down, I head back outside to find L. He was winding an old kite rope up into a smaller ring to compress it and save space in the bag. The groaning of biters becomes more loud and present. "We gotta go..." L says in a hushed voice, placing the rope in the bag. I nod and we take off. Biters start to swarm and chase us. When a biter grabs my arm and L kills it, my blood runs cold as the memories of my dreams wash over me. "No!" I shout, panicked. I pull L towards me and bring my knife forward.

The biter is stabbed in the face. As it sinks to the ground, relief washes over me and I almost start to cry. I grab L's arm and sprint towards the hideout. As soon as we get back I breathe out a sigh of relief. L hugs me tight and kisses my forehead. "Thank you so much Melody." he says and flashes that crooked smile that makes me feel warm inside. He heads towards the kitchen, grabs his cross necklace, then brings it back to me and places it on my neck. I smile at him and he turns back to put away the supplies. I head to the room to sleep, all that stress of forgetting something finally being released made me extremely tired. As I change into my top, I feel a slight burning in my arm. I look at the side of my forearm, a small gash is there, blazing red with heat. My heart skips a beat when I realise that I was bitten and it is already coursing through my blood.

* Remember from Part 1 when he originally sets his necklace down? Well thats that, and the reason for him taking it off is so that he does not lose it.

 I have a feeling some of you who have read this story, have kept with it, and were enjoying it  might have a few mixed feelings after this chapter...Sorry! It's how it flowed in my mind and I'm keeping it, I hope you enjoy the story so far!

One More Time - Part 2 of Forgotten MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now