Chapter 11 (The End!)

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Day 7

I wipe the tears from my face. Blood? There is blood smeared on my hands. I rush to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My burning pale face has blood smeared on it and the yellow has overtaken the emerald of my eyes. I shakily turn the faucet and wash my face over and over. I flush my hot face with cold water, wipe it, then head back to the others. I wait for them to wake. I hope they wait soon, they won't have much time left. Their bound to break out anytime now. I forcefully plaster a smile on my face as Matt and Cody arise from their slumber. They both have bed lines on their faces, I giggle alittle at their sleepiness. They slowly get up and start to function, grabbing crayons and start to colour. The adults soon wake too. A sense of relief and sadness strike me.Lisa gets up and makes breakfeast with my mother. Soon she is calling for us to gather 'round the table and eat. Fruit, toast, and juice is served to us as we sit around and enjoy ourselves with eachother. After we finish, we decide to sit around, tell jokes and be together. Our last happy moment together...

I wait for it. Knowing that it will happen soon, it will happen. Everyone in the group has calmed abit, Chris and Dan chatting while loading guns, Lisa and mom trading recipes, Jeremy and the boys laying in the palet of blankets. Thats when the shelf busts down with a loud bang. Cans scatter and the biters groan as they smell our flesh. They are all on their feet in a matter of seconds, and we run out of the store. A large herd of biters is coming from behind, from the store, and from the other side of the building in the front. We head for the tall building from my dream. A small ladder from the side falls after we all get up, trapping us at the top until the biters leave. "Who knows how long that'll take!" Lisa says frantically. Blood-dripping biters crowd the grounds around the building. Some of them try to climb, but fall down. Their horrid odor fills our nostrils as more of them arrive. "I love all of you guys, I hope you know that..." I begin. My mother looks at me, "Of course we know that honey, what is the matter? Is something wrong?" I sniffle back my tears as I peel off the bandage and reveal my bite. I hear everyone faintly gasp, "Oh, Mel..." L trails off as tears form in his eyes. "I love you too, Mel" L says before breaking into a sob. His sobs sound mangled, as if he was trying to aviod crying, to be strong, but was failing. Cody looks pale, his icy blue eyes also water up. I bring a finger to his face and wipe a falling tear. "Don't cry for me...Be happy. Don't be sad. I don't want this last moment to be sad." I say, wiping my own tears. Matt clings to me and squeezes me tightly. Dan and Chris both look at me with extreme shock. "Do not cry...please. I do not want you to cry over me. I did what I did for you all." My mother bursts out in sobs at my words, loud, agonizing sobs as she realizes her only daughter is dying for them all. Jeremy's mouth hangs open and tears threaten to come from his eye, but he won't let them. " I want you all to live from this, understand? I can do this, this is my final stand. For you."

Lightening strikes and roaring thunder shakes the sky. Rain begins to pelt us all with its cold water. I can hear the faint pitter-patter of the rain bouncing off of our jackets as I wait in silence for their crying to stop. I do not want them to be sad. "This is not a sad thing..." I say but that only makes it worse. "We could try to fight our way through..." Dan suggests. "No, the fully loaded guns are still in the store, we only have whatever ammo we left in our guns from the previous fight." Chris says, "Everyone count your bullets." He says to us, opening the barrel of his gun. "I have 5" Chris says. "3" Lisa says. "2" Dan says. "3" Jeremy says. "I have 4..." I say. We all look at eachother, hoping for any answers at all. I have to do this, there is no other way. I can do this. I will do this. I strip my jacket from my shoulders,drape it over Matt, and kiss his forehead. I walk over to my mother and kiss her forehead as well. I hug the others tightly as I tell them goodbye. "I love you all. Good luck." I say to them as the heavy rain soaks my tank-top. I tuck my pistol into the belt of my pants and head to the edge of the building.

There is a small opening between the biters, just enough for me to jump into and be okay. I turn to the others with tears glazing my yellow eyes. "For you." I say as I jump down into the herd of biters. Recollecting myself from the fall, I run towards the border of Virgina and North Carolina. Leading them away from the others. I look behind me and the whole herd of gut-covered biters are on my trail. My calf muscles hurt, but I keep going. Aimlessly running for the border. The rain is spotting my vision, but I keep going down the long paved road. If any biters got too close, I shot them, but only three of them. I continued to run them away, far, far away from the group. Soon they started to fade off, bored, or tired from running a long distance for a long period of time. By the time they are all gone, I am clueless as to where I am. I rub the rain out of my eyes, but the clouded vison stays. My head throbbs and my body burns against the rain. I bring my arm up to wipe my face, to rub my nose, to scratch my forehead, anything to keep my arms busy. My body begins to twitch and all of my limbs seem to want to break off of my body and go off on their own. I find a large tree, and sit under its branches. Once the rain starts to stop pouring, I climb up the thick branches and situate on a branch.I fiddle my pistol in my hands. One bullet left. They are safe. That's all that matters anymore. They are safe, I did what I was intended to. I fulfilled my purpose. They are safe, now I can end this internal suffering. The hell that I've kept myself in to protect them from that moment. It can be gone. My mind can be clear, I can be in peace. I can be free. I put the gun to my head, pull the trigger, and enter a peaceful darkness.

That is the end! I hope you enjoyed this story! Please tell me what you thought of it and see you (hopefully) in another story!

One More Time - Part 2 of Forgotten MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now